Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is often used alongside conventional medical care. Despite recent findings that the use of CAM may cause potential risk during cancer treatment, and patients who use CAM choose not to mention this to their physician, and this causes the problem of lack of communication among physician-patient relationships. Therefore, this study focuses on the cognitive difference of CAM among different physician- patient relationships.
A questionnaire and in-depth interviews with four participants were used to understand the cognitive difference of CAM use. Results indicate that 37% choose not to mention this to their physicians owning to physician’s disinterest, negative response, or unwillingness or inability to contribute useful information. While the physicians still worry about the practice of CAM will affect the treatment efficiency and might delay the timing of treatment. This study suggests that discussions of patients' CAM use should be integrated into the medicalencounters and patient themselves to enhance the communication quality of medical care.