


Work stress, fatigue and biological monitoring for journalist




新聞從業人員 ; 工作壓力 ; 疲勞 ; 17-羥基皮質類固醇 ; 皮質醇 ; journalist ; work stress ; fatigue ; 17-hydroxycorticoids(17-OHCS) ; cortisol












依據勞委會102年統計,全國從事新聞從業人員約有5400人,此行業工作特性,為時間壓力、社會責任、新聞倫理道德、同業競爭衝突等四大特性,長期在壓力下工作,導致工作負荷和生理疲勞問題日益嚴重,因此,本研究探討新聞從業人員工作壓力、疲勞狀況與其工作之間的相關性,作為評估新聞媒體業工作狀況之依據。 本研究對象為新聞媒體主要的電視新聞台及新聞報社從業人員,全部有效採樣共409人,包括新聞電視台345人,新聞報社64人。針對每位研究對象進行壓力量表、睡眠品質量表及自覺疲勞症狀等問卷調查,相關生理測定項目包括心跳及血壓、閃爍融合測定、反應棒和尿液中17-羥基皮質類固醇(17-hydroxycorticoids,17-OHCS)及唾液中皮質醇(cortisol)。 新聞從業人員以男性為主,佔60.6%;記者每天工作平均時數超過10小時以上佔78.0%,在「抽菸」、「接觸二手菸」及「喝酒」等項目也較其他人比例高,分別為16.4%、89.9%、48.4%;個人疾病史,主要疾病為「肌肉骨骼疾病」、「眼睛疾病」,其中記者以「下背痛」最高佔54.7%,其次為「眼睛癢、痛、乾澀」佔54.1%。記者環境危害因子主要為「天然災害」、「極端氣候」、「重大人為災害」、「社會危機」,暴露多達30%~80%。 新聞從業人員工作壓力調查結果發現,工作控制、心理負荷、壓力感受及其他工作相關性質方面,在統計上均有顯著之差異,且記者>編輯>其他人員。至於社會支持度之壓力,則三類工作人員則相同。睡眠品質調查方面,新聞從業人員睡眠品質不好以上佔29.8%,其中記者在睡眠品質不好以上35.8%最高。自覺疲勞症狀中,顯示在「眼睛疲勞」之盛行率為最高佔77.0%,其次是「打哈欠」及「想睡」,分別為67.7%及67.0%,疲勞型態屬於精神工作型態。 在生理測定變化,反應丟棒試驗有95.8%超過建議值未達到標準。壓力及疲勞指標尿液中17-OHCS及唾液中cortisol校正後平均濃度分別為5.6±2.6 mg/g cr.和10.5 ng/mL。 本研究結果發現新聞從業人員中記者之長工時及工作特殊環境是主要的職業危害因子;本研究結果將可作為新聞媒體業工作健康之依據。


According to the statistics of Council of Labor Affair, Taiwan, 2013, there are 5400 people working as journalist in Taiwan. The four characteristics of this industry are time pressure, social responsibility, press ethics consideration, conflicts with the competition. Under long-term work pressure and heavy work loading, physical fatigue or burnout become a big and growing problem. Therefore, this study explore the relationship between the work of the stress and fatigue situation, which results will be taken as the basis evaluating for working condition of journalists. The study subjects were divided into two major groups, print media and television media employees. A total of 409 people was included, 345 in television media employees and 64 in print media. The questionnaires include socio-demographic characteristic, work-related stress, sleep qulity and subjective fatigue symptoms were conduted. Physiological measurements include heart rate, blood pressure, flicker test, grasp and grip force. Urinary 17-hydroxycorticoids (17-OHCS) concentration and salivary cortisol concentration were also measured. The results showed that 60.6% were men; more than 78.0% of reporters working hour over 10 hours every day, the proportion of “smoking”and “drinking” were also higher the other groups. Major occupational work related diseases were “musculoskeletal disorders”, “eye strain”, the prevalence of the both up to 55%. Environmental risk exposure were “natural disasters”, “extreme weather”, “social crises violence”, and “major man-made disasters”, the exposure of up to 30% to 80%. Regarding work-related stress of the different groups, results showed that aspects of job control, mental load, stress feelings and other work-related nature were significant (p<0.05), and reporters> editorials> others. As for the pressure of social support, the three staff were the same. Regarding sleep quality, 29.8% of journalists had poor quality of sleep, specialized reporters in the poor quality of sleep more than 35.8% was the highest. The results for fatigue indicated that the prevalence of “eyes fatigue”, “yawn” and “sleepy” in our study were 77.0%, 67.7%, and 67.0%, respectively. The results showed the fatigue of the journalists were belonged mental-work-type fatigue. Biochemistry fatigue measurements showed that, grasp and grip force more than 95.8% was sub-standard; the urinary 17-OHCS/creatinine and salivary cortisol were 5.6±2.6 mg/g cr. and 10.5 ng/mL. The results showed that the major occupational risk factors of the reports were long time work and bad working environment; meanwhile. The results of this study will be used as the basis for journalists’s healthy at work.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
健康管理學院 > 職業安全衛生學系碩士班
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