While people stay in indoor more than 87.2% of their time, the air freshness or quality will directly affect the work performance and human health. Taiwan’s Indoor Air Quality Management Act, have been set and announced by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) on November 23, 2011. The air quality management act targets public areas include the medical organization. And, previous research rarely focuses on the seasonal variation and space distribution of indoor air quality in hospital.
The objective of this study is to determine the seasonal variation of indoor CO2 levels in hospital for long-term trend analysis. Six measuring location were chosen include Pharmacy (P), registration and cashier (RC), waiting area (WA), occupational therapy room (OT), physical therapy room (PT), and outdoor (O). 8-hr average concentration of CO2 levels in each measuring location were estimated and evaluated exceeds the regulation level (1000 ppm) or not. We also estimated indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratios and record the occupied number in every 30 minutes from 09:00 h to 17:00 h from Monday to Friday in each sampling site for analyzed the correlation between CO2 concentrations with occupied numbers. Furthermore, 24-hour monitoring for CO2 levels were also conducted at sites OT and PT.
Results show that there are significant differences for CO2 levels between seasons at sites P, OT and PT (p<0.001). CO2 levels at site WA (spring, summer and winter) and PT (four seasons) were exceeding the 1000 ppm, respectively. The average I/O ratios were all over than 1 at all indoor sampling site; especially for PT environment, the highest I/O ratios were estimated to be 1.71–5.7(2.5th–97.5th). According to the correlation analysis between concentrations and occupied number, it also reveals that 21%, 16% and 16% explanation level at site WA, OT, and PT, respectively. The location of OT and PT in basement might provide the other reasons to contribute the cumulative CO2 levels and shows the poor and insufficient ventilation.
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