Machine tool manufacturing industry is the national development of automated machinery manufacturing base, Such workers exposed to metal dust and metal fumes for long periods of time in processing operations may cause acute or chronic occupational diseases associated with the lungs, The purpose of this study is to investigate the Taiwan machine tool manufacturing industry-related processes, operating models and hazards and other information.
The study was conducted in three typical machine tool plants in central Taiwan. A pre-sampling walk-through was conducted to determine the layout of each work site and its borders. In principle, the zones in the machine tool plant are based on various operational functions. Each plant was asked to fill out a questionnaire asking for information about work characteristics, operation style, and working environment, and use of protective equipment. The metal dust sampling and analysis method were following the Ministry of Labor announcement. The elemental analysis was performed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES).
The results of the three institutions are the first type of business. 86.9%, 83.6% and 81.4% native male workers are employed in the machine tool plants respectively. A factory main metal dust exposure components are Al, Cr, Cu, Fe and K; B factory are Al、Fe、Mn、Mg及Zn;C factory are Cu、Fe、Mn、Ni及Zn. All three factories have the highest metal concentrations of iron. In the personal sampling section: 4.88 ×10-2 (mg / m3) in the milling area; 1.86 ×10-2 (mg / m3) in the precision processing area; 4.40 ×10-2 (mg / m3) In the B building processing class. In the Environmental Sampling section: In the rolling row of teeth for the 2.47 ×10-2 (mg / m3);In the processing class is 1.65 ×10-2 (mg / m3); In the D building processing class is 5.72 ×10-2 (mg / m3). Result was demonstrated with the operating model, process materials and on-site ventilation environment. It was found that the concentrations of exposed metals in the three plants under the standards of the Ministry of Labor. Because the process operation in the air conditioning environment. May be has a health impact to labor in long-term exposure.
Manufacturing process can easily form a variety of different types of disaster types, affecting the worker’s safety. Therefore, the employer should strengthen the local exhaust of the workplace, improve the overall ventilation, provide appropriate personal protective equipment for workers, carry out safety and health education and training and regular health checks to track.
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