


Quality of the e-servicescape and consumer purchase intention of online heavy and light users




電子服務場域 ; 知覺服務品質 ; 網站信任 ; 重度網購者 ; Kano二維品質模式 ; 購買意願 ; e-servicescape ; service quality ; website trust ; heavy users kano model ; purchase intention












隨著網際網路的發達,網路購物也越來越方便,根據文獻顯示2015年網購消費平均金額2.6萬元,年增近八成,網購市場之成長潛力不容小覷。因此電子服務的研究中,服務場域多被視為重要的影響因素,尤其對網路購物來說,如何運用服務場域的相關因素來提高消費者的知覺、網站信任以及滿意度,成為近幾年來相當重要的議題。本研究將電子服務場域鑲嵌到KANO二維品質模式,然而過往文獻在探討電子服務場域的屬性時,多以一般線上消費者為主要研究對象,但文獻卻顯示重度網購者才是企業最主要的獲利來源,因此本研究藉由集群分析區分真正的重/輕度網購者並同時探討重度與輕度網購者對於電子服務場域之屬性影響,進而比較各群組間對於網站信任以及購買意願是否有差異,為本研究主要目的。 研究方法採用線上問卷調查法,主要對象為線上消費者又分為重度及輕度網購者,以李克特五點尺度量表衡量,並用線性結構方程式(SEM)來釐清各變數之間的關係。 結果顯示重輕度網購者分別在意的電子服務場域之屬性類別確實有差異性,且兩群組對於網站信任與購買意願有著不同的影響度,本文雖只提及電子服務場域的四大相關購面,但結果不僅可提供網路業者與設計者雙方產生共識,也可了解電子服務場域對各變數的影響,因此,管理者亦可針對服務品質屬性,先找出影響經營的一元品質以及必要品質,並且維持消費者的基本需求,再進一步強化魅力因子,方能真正提高經營績效。本研究也冀望台灣網路業者能以此結果做為行銷推廣的主要策略。


As the Internet has developed, more and more people have tended to perform their shopping online. Online shopping is not only convenient but also easy to perform. According to Taiwan’s National Development Council (NDC), in 2015, the average amount spent online per person in Taiwan was NT$26,000, and this consumption grows by approximately 80% every year. Therefore, in research on web commerce, service is the most crucial factor for consumers. For online shopping in particular, focusing on quality in the e-servicescape to attract consumers and gain their trust and agreement is vital. The Kano model combined with their e-service. Although not many studies regarding the habits of heavy or light online shoppers have been performed, the NDC statistics reveal that most profits generated by online sales are due to heavy users. The purpose of this study was to distinguish between heavy and light users and analyze their different effects on the e-servicescape. Whether website trust affects consumer purchase intention was also investigated. This study was based on a web survey of online shoppers that employed a Likert Scale to collect responses and structural equation modeling to analyze the relationship between items. Heavy and light users were found to have different online shopping habits. Although this study mentions only the e-servicescape, its results not only provide a reference for online shop owners and web designers, but also reflect the importance of the e-servicescape. Therefore, managers can refer to their service quality to determine what is necessary, maintain fulfillment of consumer needs, and design various products that attract more consumers. The results of this study can serve as a reference for online retailers when they are devising an optimal marketing strategy.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
健康管理學院 > 健康餐飲暨產業管理學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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