


The bonding between mother and daughter in single-parent families




母女關係 ; 關係自我 ; 離婚 ; mother-daughter relationship ; self in relation ; divorce












本研究目的主要探討在離婚事件中母親和女兒自我在關係中的發展與變化,以及母女關係發展的內涵。本研究選取五對(共10位)離婚母親及其女兒;母親在女兒青春期前離婚,離婚後獨自撫養女兒,女兒目前年齡在18歲以上成年期女性。本研究採取敘事研究為研究方法,以半結構式的訪談法,與母女分別進行各一次的深度訪談,將訪談內容轉錄為逐字稿,以「整體-內容」方式進行分析,採用說服力(persuasiveness)、一致性(correspondence)、連續性(coherence)、實用性(pragmatic use)等四項指標檢核資料有效性。 研究發現: 一、 母親在離婚經驗中其自我發展與變化:女性自我非線性或單一的發展歷程,透過內部家庭關係與外在文化脈絡的交互作用下中界定出自我的範圍與認同。 二、 女兒在歷經父母離婚事件其自我發展與變化:女兒的自我同樣是非線性或單一的發展歷程,在痛苦中的脆弱拼貼自我、在孤單的依賴中長出力量、在分化中的獨立認同自我。 三、 母女關係的變化與內涵:母女關係是一個流動的發展歷程,透過彼此關係的需要、強化與分離最後趨於和平、穩定,過程中構建自我認同與價值,同時促進關係的轉化與自我重新定位。 研究者針對以上結論進行討論,根據研究結果提供建議以作為單親家庭的母女、實務工作者及未來研究的建議與參考。


This study aims to understand the change and development of self-concept in woman during relationship change while divorce, meanwhile the context of mother-daughter relationship while divorce. Participants were from 5 couple of divorced mothers and their only daughters. Mothers were divorced before their daughters went into adolescent and rise their daughters indecently. Daughters’ age were above 18 years old. Based on the holistic content analysis of narrative method, this study used a semi-structure deep interview to collect the life story from mothers and daughters. The interviews were tape-recorded and then transcribed word by word, with persuasiveness, correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic use were selected as four indicators to examine the reliability of present interview data. We found these results in this study: 1. Mothers’ self will impact by the experience of divorce: the self-concept in woman was not linear or single developmental process. After the change of relationship, self-concept in woman re-directed based on the interactions of family relationship and culture context. 2. Daughters self were change as parents’ divorce: Self-development of daughters were not linear or sole also. During the struggle and painful experience, daughters put their self tighter in a fragile process. But as their growth up, they got empowerment and independent through the differential of self identify. 3. The change of mother-daughter relationship was depends on the method of mother deal with the relation change: Mother-daughter relationship was a alterative and developmental process. Through their needs from relationship, mothers and daughters were strengthen, differential or separate from each other. But the final goal was stabilized and peaceful. In this process they constructed their self identity and value, meanwhile facilities the transformation and re-position of self-concept in woman. To conclude the research, the researcher reflects on the research and gives suggestions that may be helpful for members of single-parent families, consolers and future researchers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫學科技學院 > 心理學系暨臨床心理學碩士班
社會科學 > 心理學
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