


The influence of Exercise Expertise on Choice Reaction and Cognitive Control




運動專項 ; 運動技能 ; 抑制功能 ; 選擇反應作業 ; 做或停作業 ; 停止訊號作業 ; exercise ; sport ; reaction time ; inhibition function ; skills level












研究背景與目的 過去研究發現運動對認知功能可帶來正向的效益,長期接受運動訓練的運動員促進效果更為顯著,而不同運動專項可能增進不同的認知功能。因此,本研究將研究對象設定為棒球與田徑運動員,探討運動專項、運動年資及運動技能水準對選擇反應與抑制控制的影響。 研究方法 認知作業依刺激材料分成非連結性(Nonassociation type)與連結性(Association type),並且採用選擇反應時間作業(Choice reaction time task)、做或停作業(Go/Nogo task)及停止訊號作業(Stop-signal task)三種認知作業。研究參與者納入29名一般大學生、32名大學部棒球運動員及41名大學部田徑運動員,共收集102名參與者資料。研究一、比較一般大學生、田徑組(包含跑項、跳項及擲項)及棒球組(包含投手、野手者及捕手),欲探討運動年資、運動技能水準與認知功能的關聯性;研究二、以非連結性認知作業探討運動專項對認知功能的影響;而研究三則以連結性作業探討運動專項對認知功能的影響。 研究結果 研究一、隨運動年資增加,作出正確反應或成功抑制反應的機率提升,但在判斷與決策的時間變長,而抑制反應所需的時間也變長。研究二、在非連結性認知作業中,參與者能自動化且快速地對刺激作出反應,組別的差異反映在反應時間上,運動組短於一般組。研究三、在連結性認知作業中,參與者需建立刺激與按鍵反應的聯結,組別的差異反映在正確率的表現上,一般組與棒球組高於田徑組。此外做或停作業呈現出棒球運動員揮棒與不揮棒的運動特性,棒球組參與者有更多認知資源來處理高階認知歷程,相較於田徑組,棒球組表現出較好的認知控制能力。


Purpose: Regular exercise benefits both physical and mental health. While it is unclear whether sport expertise impact cognitive functions. Method: We used three different cognitive tasks, including Choice reaction task (CRT) , Go/Nogo task (GNG) and Stop-signal task (SST). Then each task divided into nonassociation type and association type. Twenty-nine university students, 32 baseball and 41 track and field college athletes were recruited. In study one, we compared exercise experiences, skills level and cognitive function of different sport expertise. In study two, we used nonassociation type of cognitive tasks to confer relationship between sport expertise and cognitive function. Then in study three, we used association type of cognitive tasks to confer relationship between sport expertise and cognitive function. Results: When the experience of athletes was increase, the correct response or inhibit the success probability of response improved, but at the time of judgment and decision-making becomes longer. In study two, participants can automate and rapidly respond to stimuli, the difference were reflected in the group's reaction time, athletes was shorter than the general group. In study three, participants needed to establish links with stimulus and response, the difference were reflected in the group's accuracy, the general group was higher than baseball athletics group. In addiction, the Go/Nogo task inflected the baseball characteristics, baseball group participants have more cognitive resources to process higher-order cognitive process, compared to the group of track and field, baseball group showed better cognition control ability.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫學科技學院 > 心理學系暨臨床心理學碩士班
社會科學 > 心理學
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