Purpose: The World Health Organization (WHO) is seen tranquility and palliative care an indispensable part of continuing care, emphasizing the importance of actively integrating different diseases. The European Association for the Advancement of Medicine (EAPC) signed the Prague Charter in 2013 accept the right to peace of mind as a basic human right. According to the World Healthcare Alliance (WPCA), more and more countries are providing peace and ease of health care. Life and death in terms of quality, domestic and foreign studies have shown that the end of the patient to receive peace and ease of treatment, more accessible to the body and minds and cousin 18.19.20 The purpose is allow patients to have dignity, quality of the last section of the road, not to extend the death, but not with the respirator to support the last breath 20.
Method: To collect Prolonged mechanical ventilation-dependent patients in Taiwan, the use of Health and Welfare Ministry of Health and Welfare Information Science Center issued a health care database 100 million people sampling file, screening more than 17 years of age, 2011 - 2012 intubation using ventilator more than 21 days, including: invasive ventilators, Negative Pressure ventilators, Noninvasive ventilators, Excluded In 2010, patients were intubated using ventilators for more than 21 days for secondary data analysis.
Results: In 2011, PMV patients (N = 79399) had 187 (82.7%) samples of peace and comfort in the respiratory care center and 39 (17.3%) in the respiratory care ward; The number of medical samples was 74034 (93.3%), and the number of samples in the respiratory care ward was 5365 (6.7%), P = .000 (P <0.05); 2012 PMV patients (N = 63192) were signed at the Respiratory Care Center (11.8%), the number samples of the respiratory care unit was 12 (8.3%), and the number samples of the respiratory care center was 12 (8.3%), and the number samples of the respiratory care center was 60460 (95.8%), The number of samples was 2597 (4.2%) P = .026 (P <0.05). Showing a significant difference in prolonged mechanical ventilation-dependent patients in tranquility and ease of medical signatures.
Conclusion: 2012 Prolonged mechanical ventilation-dependent patients signed the number of peaceful and peaceful medical reductions from the year 2011, from 226 (0.28%) down to 133 (0.21%); show the peace and ease need for further medical care. Suggest the relevant units can refer to the future will be more peaceful promotion of care in place.
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