With the advancement of the medical technology in the rapidly development society, the demand for medical care knowledge has been increased. While patients have more autonomy toward the choice of medical resources, the medical care insurances and costs would be relatively be increased. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a critical care unit that cannot be left out in hospital organizations, in which doctors, physicians, and other medical care professionals should go on interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration to offer better medical care service.
While patients transferring into the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU), the administration of operation procedure becomes obviously important, in order not to waste but optimally utilize medical resources to increase medical care service. In such circumstances, hospital managers should effectively decrease the treatment time of MICU, the idle time of medical care professionals, and the standby time of ICU wards so as to increase the medical care quality and MICU benefit, and simultaneously, decrease the MICU operating costs.
The research was based on the MICU of a d medical center in central Taiwan, utilizing the method of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and Response surface methodology (RSM) to construct the simulation framework for MICU procedure. Afterward, genetic algorithms were used to seek optimal solutions for hospital decision-making managers to decrease the total workflow procedure time and the total human resources cost.
The research findings showed that Y1 is the optimal solution to minimize the total workflow procedure time, in which the time patients admitted to ICU would be approximately 5-10 minutes, the treatment time would be approximately 60-90 minutes, the daily average patients would be approximately 10-13 patients, and the utilization rate of ICU wards is 14 wards. Y2 is the optimal solution to minimize the total human resources cost, in which the time patients admitted to ICU would be approximately 5-10 minutes, the treatment time would be approximately 20-40 minutes, the daily average patients would be approximately 10-13 patients, and the utilization rate of ICU wards is 14 wards. Y3, the ideal function, is the optimal solution, to make a balance between Y1, total workflow procedure time, and Y2, the total human resources cost. In Y3, the time patients admitted to ICU would be approximately 15-20 minutes, the treatment time would be approximately 20-40 minutes, the daily average patients would be approximately 3-7 patients, and the utilization rate of ICU wards is 8 wards.
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