Heddle, made by stainless steel, is an important part of loom to weave clothes. Recently, heddle was changed to plastic material to decrease its cost and weight. Injection molding heddle must have enough structural strength and toughness to avoid fracture in weaving process. In the study, Moldex3D R10 CAE software was used to analyze the heddle model. At first, applied Taguchi Method with L8(2^7) orthogonal array to proceed noise experiments. Then applied orthogonal array of L18(2^1×3^7) in the main experiments. Using response analysis investigates the control factors that affect the shear stress near the gate. Analysis of variation (ANOVA) also was used to confirm the significant factors under constant confidence level and try to find the optimal processing parameter for improving shear stress. Results show the significant factors of filling shear stress nearby gate are the melt temperature, gate angle, and filling time. The higher melt temperature and the larger gate angle can reduce the filling shear stress. Analysis results also show that the filling shear stress can be improved significantly under the optimal processing parameter. By using the confirm experiments and confidence intervals calculation, the experimental values and predict values are all in the range of 95% error. These results indicate that Taguchi experiment of this study is accurate sufficiently.
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