
螢光燈具生命週期評估之研究 ─以室內T5燈具為例


The life cycle assessment of fluorescent lighting-a case study of indoor T5 lighting fixture






生命週期 ; 螢光燈 ; T5燈具 ; life cycle ; fluorescent lamps ; T5 lamps












目前世界上二氧化碳排放量對地球造成的溫室效應議題,不論國際或國內都引起相當高的討論和積極改善的做法。依經濟部能源局發電能源結構統計,得知國內的能源結構中高碳的化石能源佔91.6%,又自產能源比例僅佔0.68%,進口能源佔99.32%,因此國內的電力排放係數均高於其他各國,所以節能減碳的工作就必須有更積極的作為,才會有具體的成效。在建築分類能源大戶家數及用電量統計中,辦公大樓佔比為9.0%,又照明設備佔辦公大樓用電的24.6%,所以改善照明燈具產品的製造過程及提高燈具的使用效能,對照明用電量降低和減少二氧化碳的排放是很重要的事情。 本研究以實際製造工廠盤查及相關文獻之方法,進行T5燈具生命週期評估之探討,同時分析製造產品零組件材料對環境的影響,藉由生命週期軟體程式之分析結果,探討T5燈具在生命週期各個階段中對環境所造成的影響,並以量化數據結果來呈現,供T5燈具製造在製程和用料選擇的參考,並給消費者在選用低碳產品之參考依據。 本研究內容可整理歸納以下結論: 一、T5照明燈具以使用階段對溫室氣體的影響最大 依生命週期軟體Simapro7.2分析結果T5-28W燈具,生命週期二氧化碳總計排放量為879.4342 KgCO2 ,使用階段佔比為96.8%(851.7278 KgCO2 )、運輸階段次之1.65%(14.5393 KgCO2 )、原料階段佔比為1.25%(11.0128 KgCO2 )及製造階段佔比相當小的2.1544 KgCO2,另T5-14W燈具,生命週期二氧化碳總計排放量為579.894 KgCO2 ,使用階段佔比為95.91%(573.4676 KgCO2 )、運輸階段次之2.43%(14.5407 KgCO2 )、原料階段佔比為1.14%(6.8318 KgCO2 )及製造階段佔比相當小的0.51 KgCO2。。 二、就零組件材料分析以燈具鋁板及燈管用玻璃管,對溫室效應和能源耗費最大 零組件材料耗用二氧化碳總計排放量28W燈管為0.4446 KgCO2以玻璃燈管耗費0.2882 KgCO2為最高,造成的能源耗費也最大。另28W燈具為9.6779 KgCO2以燈具面罩鋁板耗費8.6674 KgCO2為最高,造成的重金屬汙染(3.6479E- 4 KgPb)、能源耗費及臭氧層耗竭也最大。 三、T5燈管瓦數大小和構件材料用量,對環境的影響差異不大 盤查分析結果,T5-28W及T5-14W燈管除因長度不同而在玻璃管及螢光粉用料上有所差異外,在其他用料量及製程和運輸耗費能源上並無大的差距。故燈管瓦數大小對溫室氣體的影響,仍為使用階段的電力耗費影響最大。


Globe warning based on the carbon dioxide emissions has become an issue in the world. This issue also has been broadly discussed and even tried to obtain any positive improvement around the world.By the statistic result of power generation source in Taiwan, from Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs Bureau, it reveals that high-carbon fuel contributes 91.6% to the power generation source in Taiwan, and furthermore the portion of self-produced energy source is only 0.68%, while the rest of large amounts 99.32% are imported. This is the reason why the electricity emission coefficient of Taiwan is always higher than that of other countries. Therefore, in order to achieve higher energy efficiency and more carbon reduction, constructive measures is definitely necessary.In the architecture field, the statistic result shows that office buildings contribute 9.0% energy and electricity consumption of those in all different types of architecture. Furthermore, illumination contributes 24.6% of all power consumption of an office building. Consequently, for the purpose of saving the illumination energy and reducing the carbon dioxide emission, it is quite important to improve the manufacture process and illumination efficiency. In this study, we try to investigate the life cycle assessment of T5 lamp, which is a common illumination lamp in an office building, by combining both of the actual manufacture facility data and the literature research. In addition, we also try to analysis the environment impact of individual component of T5 product manufacture. Finally, analyzed by the life cycle assessment software, the environment impact of T5 lamp in different stages of all life cycle is clearly revealed. This quantitative result can be provided as a reference for not only materials selection of manufacturer but also low-carbon product choice of consumers. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as following: The greatest environment impact of greenhouse gas is happening in the stage of T5 lamp usage By the analyzed result from life cycle assessment software Simapro 7.2 for the T5 (28W) lantern, it is found the total carbon dioxide emission is 879.4342 KgCO2, from highest to the lowest,including 96.8% (851.7278 KgCO2) in the usage stage, 1.65% (14.5393 KgCO2) in the transport stage, 1.25% (11.0128 KgCO2) in the individual components stage, and 2.1544 KgCO2 in the manufacture stage. As for the T5(14W) lantern, it is found the total carbon dioxide emission is 579.894 KgCO2, from highest to the lowest, including 95.91% (573.4676 KgCO2) in the usage stage, 2.43%(14.5407KgCO2 ) in the transport stage, 1.14%(6.8318 KgCO2 ) in the individual components stage, and 0.51 KgCO2 in the manufacture stage. By the analysis result of individual components, it is found that the aluminum plate of T5 lantern and glass tube of T5 lamp are the two most energy consuming and greenhouse effect contributing parts The total carbon dioxide emission of T5 (28W) lamp components is 0.4446 KgCO2, involving 0.2882 KgCO2 which is dominated the most by the glass tube of T5 lamp. The same result occurs in the energy consuming as well. Also, the total carbon dioxide emission of T5 (28W) lantern components is 9.6779 KgCO2, involving 8.6674 KgCO2 which is dominated the most by aluminum plate of T5 lantern. The same result happens in the heavy metal pollution (3.6479E- 4 KgPb), energy consuming and ozone depletion. The environment impact variance between different watt specification of T5 lamp, and between different amounts of materials is not obviously different By the investigation result, the difference between 28W T5 lamp and 14W T5 lamp is only in the amount of glass tube and fluorescent powder due to the different lamp length. Except this difference, there is no obvious energy consuming variation between these two lamps in all other components, manufacture process and transport. That is to say the maximum greenhouse gas emission still happens in the stage of usage due to the most electricity consuming in this stage, no matter for 28W T5 lamp or 14W T5 lamp.

主题分类 設計學院 > 建築與都市設計研究所
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
  1. 施裕淳(2016)。二氧化碳與光源對小球藻油脂累積之影響暨生命週期評估其效益。中原大學生物環境工程研究所學位論文。2016。1-84。