


Applying the E-schoolbag Project in English Teaching to Vocational High School Students in Taipei City: An Action Study






電子書包實驗計畫 ; 英文教學 ; 自我修正 ; E-Schoolbag Project ; English Teaching ; Self-Repai












資訊科技融入教學的發展日新日異,其中又以電子書包計劃之應用蔚為風潮。以臺北市為例,已有多所學校接受教育局的經費補助,建置設備齊全的電子書包教室,本研究旨在應用電子書包實驗計畫融入英文教學,探討電子書包實驗計畫對高職學生英文學習之影響,教學中結合平板電腦及電子白板即時反饋學生的答案,目的在瞭解電子書包實驗計畫對高職學生英文學習動機及學習成就之影響。 本研究以行動研究進行實證,在實際教學情境中,第一階段先擇一任教班級進行前導性研究,根據研究結果作簡要的分析與修正後成為實驗計畫。第二階段對另一任教班級進行電子書包行動研究教學,於教學前後,以「英文學習動機問卷」、「英文學習成就(一)」、「英文學習成就(二)」、「電子書包實驗計畫融入英文教學學習意見調查表」為評量工具,所得相關資料進行量化統計分析,輔以課堂觀察記錄、同儕教師教學觀察及訪談記錄,進行質性資料整理分析。本研究之結論如下: 一、電子書包實驗計畫課程設計原則應同時考量課程內容、學生 程度及時間安排。 二、電子書包實驗計畫有助於提升英文教學成效。 三、電子書包實驗計畫有助於提升英文學習動機。 四、學生對運用電子書包實驗計畫於英文教學具有高度接受程度。 本研究之建議如下: 一、建議有意參與實驗計畫之教師宜循序漸近,由小而大,由簡 而繁。 二、建議學校相關行政單位宜辦理相關研習或教學觀摩,鼓勵教 案或教學設計,鼓勵教師進行協同教學,訓練分科種子教師 及班級資訊設備小老師,安排學生參加平板電腦體驗課程等 措施。 三、建議後續研究者可改以其他研究方法探討電子實驗計畫教學 之影響,進行不同軟硬體環境之電子實驗計畫教學之比較研 究及探討電子實驗計畫教學之教師端研究。


The pace of change brought about by Information Technology in Education has been changing day by day. The most significant effect was on the application for E-schoolbag Project. In Taipei City, several schools were supported by the city government and had constructed well-equipped E-schoolbag classrooms. The purpose of this study was to incorporate E-schoolbag into the teaching of English to vocational high school students and to understand the influence of tablet PC and Electronic Interactive Whiteboard on students’ learning motivations and achievements This is an action study. The first stage was the pilot experiment stage in which one of the four first-grade classes was involved in the E-schoolbag project to learn English. After briefly analyzing all the findings, some adjustments have been made. In the second stage, the researcher applied E-schoolbag project to another class. During this period three instruments were used as the following, “The English Achievement Test(I), The English Achievement Test(II), and “The integrating E-schoolbag project into English teaching Questionnaire”. The data was analyzed through quantitative method with statistical analysis. Classroom observation records, the collaborative teacher’s observation records and interview records were also analyzed and discussed. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.While designing the E-schoolbag curriculum, teachers should take contents, students’ levels and instruction time into consideration. 2.Incorporating E-schoolbag project into teaching English can improve students’ learning achievement and learning motivation. 3.Students have shown positive responses in the E-schoolbag project on teaching English. The main recommendations of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.For teachers who are willing to join in the E-schoolbag project: The researcher recommend that the project should start with simple topic with a small number of students, then increase the difficulty of the topic and apply it onto a larger group. 2.For school administrators: The researcher recommends that more workshops should be held to encourage teachers to share their teaching plans and teaching designs. 3.For follow-up researchers: The researcher encourage them to adopt different method in exploring the influences, in comparing the outcomes by using different software or hardware as teaching resources, and in analyzing teachers’ intentions, reactions and opinions.

主题分类 人文與社會科學學院 > 技術及職業教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
  1. 郭政賢(2016)。大臺南地區國民小學自然科教師使用電子教科書之喜好因素探討--以康軒出版社為例。長榮大學經營管理研究所學位論文。2016。1-148。