Feitsui Reservoir provides people's livelihood water in the area of Taipei, maintain good water quality has been the objective of the management unit. However, according to Feitsui Reservoir monitoring data from 1998 to 2009, Carlson trophic state index appeared eutrophication status of as many as 10 months in this 12 years. Therefore, if want to reduce the impact of the nutrient load to the river and reservoir eutrophication and effective control of non-point source pollution, set the appropriate Best Management Practices (Best management practices, BMPs) at appropriate locations in the watershed, will be most effective.
This study will develop an expert system to determine the pollution potential of the Feitsui Reservoir area and its causes, and establish the configuration of the watershed’s best management practices. First, collection of relevant literature, compile non-point source pollution of the professional knowledge and experience. Application logic of the predicate calculus of the concept of writing to determine the pollution potential of the watershed of the rules, and then used watershed model SWAT simulated Feitsui Reservoir Watershed to verify the diagnosis of this expert system analysis the pollution loading distribution. According to local pollution potential, combined hydrological and physiographic conditions, integration expertise to write the appropriate Best Management Practices configuration rules. Finally, apply ERDAS IMAGINE to programmable the predicate calculus and presentation of the results. Research in pollution potential is divided into: high erosion potential, high runoff potential and high nutrient loading potential of three types; expert system configuration of the Best Management Practices include the terraces, detention pond, riparian buffer zone, permeable pavement, street cleaning, field border, constructed wetlands, catch crops, embankment to divert stormwater runoff, and contour stripcropping.
The results of the expert system to determine the contaminated area, 74 percent compliance, validation of this expert system can effectively determine the watershed pollution causes and potential contaminated areas of the watershed of non-point source model SWAT simulation. The statistics of the the BMPs diagnostic results of the expert system recommended BMPs to the terraces and field border for the largest number, and further after cross-analysis, the same locations to determine the appropriate variety of BMPs, according to the in situ to a certain kind or in parallel to enhance the effect of soil erosion control and nutrient loading reduce.
Convenience of this expert system application to be applied to any watershed of diagnosis, and it has highly correction flexibility to apply different watershed characteristics. The future use of these rules, it can quickly determine the watershed pollution potential, different from the mathematical model need to enter a large number of parameters, and parameters is not easy to obtain, increasing the uncertainty of the simulation. The final expert system according to different causes, set the appropriate Best Management Practices can be further watershed complete the Best Management Practices configuration, can effectively reduce the nutrient loading and reservoir eutrophication risk, maintain a healthy aquatic ecosystem.
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