


The Design and Simulation Analysis of An Inlet Volume Control for Centrifugal Fans






離心風機量控制 ; 節能設計 ; 計算流體力學 ; Volume control of centrifugal fans ; Energy saving design ; CFD












離心風機在工業上的應用非常廣泛,一般對於通風量的控制多是採用出口閘板控制器(Outlet Damper Control),其優點是製造與安裝簡單,但缺點卻是相對地功耗增加,在能源日益稀少、電費高漲的年代,使得離心風機之風量節能設計成為重要的課題之一。有鑑於此,本研究採用開發設計進口風量控制器(Inlet Volume Control或Inlet Vane Control, IVC)來進行離心風機之風量控制,期望可同時達成風量控制與減少耗能之目的。 IVC是安裝於離心風機之入口,可分為內嵌式(nested)與外掛式(external)兩種,本研究採用以不增加原有風機體積內嵌式。IVC主要是利用氣體在進入風機系統之前,產生預旋轉,控制器上的導流葉片可引導氣流進入葉輪,使氣流在進入旋轉中之葉輪時已經具有相同旋轉方向之初始速度,降低葉輪為了使空氣轉向而產生的不必要的功耗。由於IVC的設計除了機構外,尚需與風機配合,才可達到最佳節能效果,本研究即利用計算流體力學軟體Solidworks Flow Simu-lation,針對IVC之設計參數配合研究標的之BIC-35#後傾式離心風機作模擬運算,研究結果顯示,設計採用(1)外凹式葉片,且(2)導流葉片根部至進風口喉部之垂直距離與進氣口入口至喉部垂直距離百分比=25.3%,以及(3)葉片長度與進氣口中心至壁面垂直距離百分比=81.5%之設計條件,不僅可達通風量控制之目的,亦可大幅減低耗能,達到節能之效果。


Centrifugal fans and blowers are commonly used in many occasions in indus-tries now-a-day for air ventilation. In general, they adopt the so-called outlet damper to control their volumes. The advantages of outlet damper control stem from the low cost of manufacturing and easy installing, in addition to effectiveness. However, it becomes more important to include possibility of energy saving into the gadget since the energy cost soaring era. As a consequence, this study is to develop an inlet volume control (IVC) device that can achieve the goal of saving energy during volume control for centrifugal fans. Mounting on the inlet of fans, IVC may be di-vided into two categories. They are nested and external types. The former is more costly and a bit difficult to install, while may be applied in a limited space. On the contrary, the latter is cheaper and easy to install, but has larger structures. Since IVC can produce swirling flow in the suction side of fans before the flow goes into the wheel of fans, it may have a chance to maximize the efficiency of blades, if IVC is properly designed. In order to do so, a CFD commercial package, Solidworks Flow Simulation has been adopted as the main tool. The simulation results have shown that the IVC developed in the present report is quite effective in the sense of saving energy together with controlling the volume of centrifugal fans.

主题分类 機電學院 > 機電整合研究所
工程學 > 電機工程
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