The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze how the attributes of the board of directors,the equity structures affect the policies of corporate giving from the viewpoint of corporate governance. I select TSEC listed firms and OTC companies during 1997-2011 period as empirical samples to examine factors of corporation giving with Panel Data Regression, the findings of this paper are as follows:
I. According to the empirical findings, Corporates will have a strong will for donation, while those with larger board size, a higher percentage of insider shareholding and the president serving as a general manager at the same time. Corporates with a higher profit, more juristic-person director members, much deviation of shareholders’ controlling right from cash flow right, a higher percentage of institutional shareholding and a higher debt ratio, they will have a poor will to make charitable donations.
II. The empirical findings show that corporates will donate more, while those with a higher profit, a larger enterprise size, a higher insider shareholding ratio and employee salaries ratio. Corporates with a higher debt ratio, more juristic-person director members and a higher percentage of institutional shareholding, they will donate less.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Corporate Giving, Agency Theory.
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