


The Impacts of Medical Technology Innovation on Service Performance in Healthcare Industry




科技化、醫療照護、服務創新、照護績效 ; Technology ; Medical Healthcare ; Service Innovation ; Service Performance












人類生活水準提升、科技與醫療的快速發展,使人類平均壽命增長,又受少子化影響,全球人口進入高齡階段,人口結構的改變影響整體產業結構變化,醫療科技環境的成熟,使國人對醫療服務有了更高的期許,探討醫療院所進行服務創新時的重要性,及對照護產業之影響,在此環境下,醫療科技照護將成為未來重要趨勢之一,如何使健康照護產業能供應如此龐大的市場,儼然成為全球人類重視之議題。 本研究以醫療體系之醫護人員為對象,採用問卷調查方式,回收有效問卷193份,使用統計軟體SPSS及AMOS進行分析,包含敘述性統計、變異數分析、構面信效度分析、結構方程模型分析等,檢定假說是否成立,根據資料分析結果,主要研究發現有: (一) 科技化服務正向影響照護服務績效 (二)科技化服務對照護服務績效影響受醫療服務創新中介因子之中介影響。


With the rapid development of quality of life, technology and medicine, the average life expectancy of human beings has been increased. In addition, the world population keeps aging with the gradually lower birth rate, and the new structure of population thus impacts the overall industrial structure. The maturity of medical technology caused higher expectations from nationals to medical service. Hence, medical technology healthcare should be one of the most significant trends in the future, and it is worthwhile to emphasize the significance of service innovations, especially when supplying such a tremendous market. This research took medical personnel from medical system as subjects to conduct questionnaire survey with 193 valid portions recycled. With analysis of descriptive statistics, ANOVA, reliability & validity analysis and SEM (structural equation modeling) through SPSS and AMOS, to test whether the hypotheses hold, the main findings of this research are: 1. Technology-enabled service has positive influence on service performance of healthcare. 2. The influence of technology-enabled service on service performance of healthcare would be impacted by the mediating effect of innovation of medical service.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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