


To Explore the Effect of Direct Marketing on Organizational Performance - Taking the Kaohsiung Farmers Association of The Department of Supply And Marketing as an Example




直效行銷 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 層級成分析 ; SPSS分析 ; 服務創新管理 ; Direct marketing ; Customer satisfaction ; Level analysis ; SPSS analysis ; Service innovation management












摘要 國內農會發展在民國41年左右,因農會信用部的興起才逐漸有現在的農會架構,農會的運作出於農會與農民密切的配合,建立彼此共識,農會的補助對農民有非常大的影響,農產品為未來的發展,須提升競爭力,所以由網路下載可買到精緻的農產品、加工的層級、蔬菜經過低溫處理、調理包的改良……等,將是農會未發展路線。 然而台灣農會是一個多目標的綜合組織,本身信用、供銷、推廣、保險等事業性質差異大,對內彼此保持會計獨立的性格,等級不容易劃分,反而致使部分農會因總幹事對各業務重視程度的不同,使農業推廣工作受到更多的影響。 農會直效行銷的理念是建立和維繫現有購買者的忠誠度,其中重點是努力更努力地建立和維繫高利潤消費者的品牌忠誠度:對農民進行持續的交流和溝通,讓他們對我們的產品和企業有更深入的了解,進而提高對我們的信心,增加購買率及忠誠度,甚至成為我們的品牌的宣傳者,進而我們也能更深入地了解農民的需求,進而對農會組織績效發展來提供農民更好的產品和服務。 然本研究得到結果:1.人口統計變項對直效行銷有部分顯著差異。2.人口統計變項對組織績效有部分顯著差異。3.直效行銷對企業組織有明顯的正向影響。根據以上結果,本研究提出建議,期望能為我國農業在運用直效行銷上能有所幫助。 關鍵字:直效行銷;顧客滿意度;層級成分析;SPSS分析;服務創新管理


Abstract Domestic agriculture will develop in about 41 years the Republic of China, due to the rise of the credit departments of farmers gradually have now FAS structure, operation peasant association for farmers in close cooperation with farmers, build consensus with each other, farmers will benefit farmers has a very big impact for the future development of agricultural products shall enhance competitiveness, so by the delicate web download available agricultural products, the level of processing of vegetables after low-temperature treatment, improved conditioning package ...... and so on, will be farmers No development path. However, Taiwan's farmers will organize a comprehensive multi-objective in itself credit, supply, marketing, insurance, and other differences in the nature of big business, to maintain internal accounting independent of one another's character, rank is not easy to divide, but causing some farmers due to the Director-General of each different business emphasis, so that agricultural extension work be more affected. Farmers direct marketing concept is to establish and maintain the loyalty of existing buyers, with a focus on efforts to work harder to establish and maintain high profits brand loyalty of consumers: farmers ongoing exchanges and communication, so that they are us products and enterprises have a better understanding, and to improve our confidence and increase the purchase rate and loyalty, and even become advocates for our brand, and then we can better understand the needs of farmers, and thus for the farmers' Association performance development to provide farmers with better products and services. However, the results of this study: 1. Demographic variables have some significant differences in direct marketing. 2. Demographic variables have some significant differences in organizational performance. 3. Direct Marketing has a significant positive impact on the organization. From the above results, the research suggestions, hope for helping our agriculture in using of the Direct Marketing. Keywords: Direct marketing;Customer satisfaction; Level analysis;SPSS analysis; Service innovation management

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社會科學 > 管理學
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