


Mental Images,Imagery Creations -A Study on Artistic Creations




心象 ; 造境 ; 立體主義 ; 不確定性 ; Mental Images ; Imagery Creations ; Cubism ; Uncertainty












藝術創作是思想、情感與心靈活動的結晶,在創作的過程中,可將內心的意象實體化,而一件好的藝術作品必須要有美的形式與精神內容,來營造藝術生命。透過藝術的語言,表現自己的思想情感,使「生命經驗的再現」是創作的本質,從而探索內在的心靈與建構自我的意象世界。 本研究是以「心象‧造境」為研究方向,並探討色彩、線條、 空間、造形與結構等。在創作中透過色塊、線條、變形、符號、分割及多元空間的表現方式,將自我的體悟,「得之於心、運之於手」,呈現於作品中。透過此論文希望能達到研究以下的目的:(一)、透過物體解構重組的手法,探討個人心靈意象內化的再現。(二)、透過繪畫表達對生活周遭人、事、物不確定性的體悟。 本研究的創作理念主要在探討筆者內心對當下景物的悸動及在液態形社會的體悟,藝術形式以心靈內化的再現、形的簡化與色的調和性以及分割重組來構成。依內容主題分為兩個系列表述之:(一)、「生活意象系列」,透過不確定性的探討,藉由創作記錄筆者不同階段的生活記憶與對生命的體悟,利用分割重組或隱喻的表現形式,呈現內心的情感。(二)、「自然景物系列」,由於科技文明的進步提升了物質生活,也產生了環境汙染與自然生態等問題,如何才能繼續擁有美麗的自然景色,是值得我們省思的課題。此系列筆者採用脫離具象的方式,以主觀的直覺分割、重組物象,表達內心對景物的感動,經由心靈和意象的結合,呈現個人理想的心象世界。


Artistic creation is a painstaking effort of thoughts, feelings and mental activities. In the creating process, inner imagery can be substantialized, and a piece of excellent artwork needs to have beautiful forms and mental contents to build its artistic life. By means of artistic languages to express one’s own thoughts and feelings, which made “Reappearance of life experiences” to be the nature of creation, and then to make further exploration of inner mind and to construct one’s own imagery world. This study intended to use “Mental Images‧Imagery Creations” as the research direction, and explored colors, lines, spaces, shapes and structures. In creation, by means of expressions, such as color blocks, lines, deformations, symbols, divisions and multi-spaces, to make one’s own contemplative understanding, “understood in mind, expressed by hands”, to express in his/her artworks. This study intended to reach these following research purposes: (1). By means of the technique of object deconstruction and recombination to explore the reappearance of one’s mental imagery internalization. (2) By means of paintings to express one’s contemplative understanding about the uncertainty of surrounding people, things and objects. The creative ideas of this paper included the author’s mind on pounding to current sceneries and contemplative understanding to the Liquid Society; and the artistic forms composed from the reappearance of mental internalization, the simplification of shapes, the harmony, division and recombination of colors. According to the contents of subjects, they can be divided into two series and represented respectively: (1) “Life Imagery Series”. It used the exploration of uncertainty and adopted the author’s creations to record his/her life memories and contemplative understanding in different phases, as well as used the division/recombination and metaphor as the representative methods to display his/her inner emotions. (2) “Natural Scenery Series”. Since the advancement of technical civilization has not only improved our material life, but also yielded environmental pollutions and natural ecological issues, thus how to maintain the beautiful natural scenery has become an important issue that is worth to think deeply for us. In this series, the author used the method of divorcing reification, and adopted his/her subjective intuition to divide and recombine imageries to express his/her inner affection on scenery, and then, by means of the combination of mentality and imagery, to present the author’s individual ideal world of mental image.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
人文社會學院 > 美術系(所)
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