


The anxious of parents of primary school children choose the school under the Crisis of Low Birth Rate




少子化 ; 家長選擇權 ; 家長選校因素 ; Crisis of Low Birth Rate ; Parental option ; Parental choose school












本研究旨在探討少子化的社會結構下,家長行使教育選擇權以及影響家長學校選擇之因素,在不同背景變項之差異情形,為達研究目的,根據國內外有關家長選校因素之文件為基礎,分析生活便捷、設備與環境、學習表現、教育理念、親師生互動及公共關係對國小學童家長選校就讀因素的預測力,最後綜合文獻探討與調查結果,提出具體建議,供學校行政人員與後續研究者做參考。 本研究之問卷調查使用兩套系統分析,一是利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,簡稱 AHP)建立評估架構,來分析專家選校的考量因素,另一個是重要績效分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis,簡稱IPA)評估家長對學校選擇的重要性與表現情形來進行研究分析。 本研究結果指出,專家認為親師生互動最為重要,其次依序是學習表現、教育理念、設備與環境、公共關係、生活便捷,然而在家長為國小學童選擇學校較重視的前五個因素為校園管理安全、重視學生品格發展、教師教學效能(經營班級、教學認真、愛心耐心等)、教師能與家長建立良好的互動關係、認同學校與校長的辦學理念;因此,學校在少子化的浪潮下,如何加強親師生互動,讓老師和家長成為教育合夥人,為下一代創造更良善的教育環境,乃為重要課題。


The purpose of this study is to explore the differences between the parents 'behavior and the factors influencing the choice of parents' schools, and the differences between the different background variables. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, Based on the analysis of life and convenience, equipment and environment, learning performance, educational philosophy, pro-teacher interaction and public relations on the primary school children's parents election factors in the predictive power, the final comprehensive literature and survey results, specific recommendations, Administrative staff and follow-up researchers to do reference. The questionnaire survey was conducted using two sets of systems: one was to use AHP to establish an assessment framework to analyze the considerations of expert selection and the other important performance analysis (Importance-Performance Analysis) , Referred to as IPA) to assess the importance of parents to choose the school and the performance of the situation to conduct research and analysis. The results of this study point out that experts believe that the interaction between teachers and students is the most important, followed by learning performance, educational philosophy, equipment and environment, public relations, life convenience, but in the parents of primary school children choose the school the top five factors For the campus management security, attention to the development of student character, teacher teaching effectiveness (operating class, teaching seriously, caring patience, etc.), teachers and parents to establish a good interaction between the school and school principals agree with the school; therefore, Under the tide, how to strengthen the interaction between teachers and students, so that teachers and parents become educational partners for the next generation to create a better education environment, is an important issue.

主题分类 管理學院 > 高階管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
社會科學 > 管理學
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