


The Relationships among Expatriate Regulatory Foci, Expatriate Mentoring and Intention to Leave




外派人員調節焦點 ; 外派師徒功能 ; 離職傾向 ; Expatriates’ regulatory foci ; Expatriate mentoring ; Intention to leave












外派人員的高離職率是國際人力資源經理的一個大挑戰,這也吸引了學者的關注。然而,過去有關外派人員離職意圖的研究仍然不多。本研究調查外派人員調節焦點與師徒功能對於其離職傾向所產生的影響,以及外派人員調節焦點對於外派師徒功能的影響。研究樣本為227位國際企業外派人員。本研究利用迴歸分析法檢定3個假設,分析結果如下:(1) 外派人員的求成焦點與避敗焦點愈強,愈能降低其離職傾向;(2) 外派人員知覺的師徒功能愈強,愈能降低其離職傾向;(3) 外派人員的求成焦點與避敗焦點愈強,其知覺師徒功能愈強。根據研究結果,本研究建議多國企業可以遴選高求成焦點與高避敗焦點的員工擔任外派人員。另一方面,將外派人員的師父納入外派人員訓練計畫中,以降低其離職傾向,並且強化其師徒功能。本研究的貢獻主要在理論上建立外派人員調節焦點、師徒功能以及離職傾向之間關係的理論架構。另一方面,希望能夠對實務界提供一些管理的建議。


The high turnover rate of repatriates is a major challenge faced by international human resource managers and has also become a topic that has captured the attention of expatriate scholars. However, the studies of expatriates’ intention to leave are rarely explored. This study investigates the effects of expatriates’ regulatory foci and mentoring on their intention to leave, and explores the effects of expatriates’ regulatory foci on expatriate mentoring. This study uses regression analyses to test three hypotheses. Analytical results from 227 expatriates of international companies are summarized as follows: (1) the stronger expatriates’ promotion focus and prevention focus are, the lower expatriates’ intention to leave will be; (2) the stronger expatriates’ perceived mentoring are, the lower expatriates’ intention to leave will be; (3) the stronger expatriates’ promotion focus and prevention focus are, the stronger expatriates’ perceived mentoring will be. According to analytical results, this study suggests multinational corporations to recruit candidates with high scores in promotion focus and prevention focus. In other hand, in order to reduce expatriates’ intention to leave and strengthen their mentoring, multinational corporations may assign expatriates’ mentors to participate in expatriate training programs. The main contributions of this work are the development of theoretical framework on the relationships among expatriates’ regulatory foci, mentoring and intention to leave.

主题分类 管理學院 > 高階管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
社會科學 > 管理學
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