


The Study of Residents' Satisfaction and the Village Chief’s Office Service Quality




里民 ; 里長辦公室 ; 滿意知覺程度 ; 服務品質 ; Residents ; Perceptions of Satisfaction ; Service Quality












摘要 本研究主要目的在探討里長辦公室服務品質及里民滿意情形,進而找出預測里民對里長辦公室服務之整體滿意知覺程度的最佳因子,以作為里長在日後改善里長辦公室服務品質與擬定服務管理策略的參考依據。 研究結果顯示,里民在對里長辦公室的服務品質進行滿意知覺之決策時,會最先受到服務中感受缺口值構面影響、其次為服務後感受缺口值構面、最後為年齡構面進行判斷與組合。本研究同時也嘗試建立里長辦公室服務品質與里民整體滿意程度知覺決策的理論驗證模式,並提出對里長辦公室的相關建議,相信對里長辦公室將來在持續追求進步目標,及改善服務品質方面有相當貢獻與幫助。


Abstract The main purpose of the study is to investigate the relations between the quality of service of the village chief’s office and the satisfaction of residents, and to further explore the factors that might influence the perceptions of satisfaction to the service quality of the village chief’s office. Research results indicate residents’ perceptions of satisfaction to the service quality of village chief’s office will be firstly influenced by the the notch value dimension of perceived quality during the service, following by the notch value dimension of perceived quality after the service and the age of residents. The study therefore establishes a model to evaluate residents’ overall satisfaction to the service quality of the village chief’s office, and contributes to the future enhancement and improvement of the service quality of the village chief’s office. Suggestions and implications have been discussed to benefit the management and strategic planning of the village chief’s office.

主题分类 管理學院 > 高階管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
社會科學 > 管理學
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