
董事會結構與經理人薪酬對公司績效之影響 —以台灣電子業與傳統業為例


Effects on Company Performance with Regards to Board Structure and CEO Salary – on the Objects of Electronic and Conventional Corporates.




董事會結構 ; 董事會規模 ; 獨立董事 ; 經理人薪酬 ; board structure ; board size ; independent board director ; CEO salary












摘要 本研究係以董事會結構與經理人薪酬之角度,探討其對公司績效之影響,並將台灣上市(櫃)公司區分為電子業與傳統業兩大族群分別探討之。在研究期間方面,則係取金融海嘯後之時間點為主要研究主軸。在整體樣本之研究結果方面,本研究發現董事會規模與公司績效係呈現顯著負相關,本研究係認為就組織學之觀點,可以解讀上述現象,代表著當董事會規模愈小時,將有利於擬定決策共識,進而提升公司經營績效。另外,在獨立董事比率方面,則發現當其比率愈高時,將有助於提升公司經營績效,此結果係符合鞏固利益假說。另外,在董監事持股比率方面,亦發現其與公司績效之關連性上呈顯著正相關,符合利益收斂假說,指當董監事利益與股民一致時,將減少代理成本,提升公司績效。另外,本研究亦發現董事兼經理人比率與公司績效呈顯著正相關,係指在資訊透明度增加下,董事兼經理人較能做出有利於公司績效之決策。在經理人薪酬方面,則發現其對公司績效並無顯著之關連性。 此外,考量台灣電子業與傳統產業在股權集中度與薪酬給付方面因產業性之明顯不同,故本研究進一步將整體樣本區分為電子業與傳統業進行探討。實證結果發現,無論電子產業或傳統產業,董事會規模與公司績效均呈負相關,獨立董事比率、董監事持股比率、董事兼經理人比率等特性皆與公司績效呈正相關。惟在經理人薪酬之構面有所差異,意謂經理人薪酬之特徵對於不同產業具有相異之影響。在傳統產業,經理人薪酬與公司績效呈正相關,此結果與Holmstrom(1979)之研究一致,係指在設計薪酬契約時,若將經理人薪酬連結公司績效,就能解決經理人與股東之代理問題,驅使、激勵經理人做出最佳決策來提升公司績效。但電子產業中,經理人薪酬與公司績效呈無相關之反應。


Abstract This research investigates the effect of board structure and CEO salary on the corporate financial performance for a sample of companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange under electronics and conventional industries during the post financial crisis period. The results indicate, first, a negative correlation between the board size and the firm. That is, the smaller the board size, the better the firm performance. Next, the study finds the higher the independent board director ratio tends to improve the corporate performance. It meets the theory of consolidate interest hypothesis. Also, as the theory of convergence interest hypothesis implies: when the directors’ interest are on the same side of the investors, the agency cost will be decreased and the corporate value will be increased, therefore, this study looks into the directors’ shareholding ratio and confirms a positive correlation between such ratio and corporate performance. Furthermore, for the association between CEO duality and firm performance, the results show that CEO duality has a positive impact on the firm performance. In this case, CEOs are able to receive more information to make better decisions. Finally, the study results domonstrate that in electronics industry, there is no correlation between CEO salary and corporate performance; however, in conventional industry, CEO salary is positively correlated with firm performance, which meets the theory of Holmstrom(1979): if CEO salary is connected with firm performance, the principal–agent problem will be solved and CEO will be incentivized to make the best policies to accelerate firm effectiveness and firm performance.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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