


The Study of Green Food Image, Satisfaction and Loyalty through the Concept of Elaboration Likelihood Model : The Moderating Effect of Product Involvement




綠色食品 ; 滿意度 ; 忠誠度 ; 產品涉入 ; 慎思可能模式 ; Green Food ; Satisfaction ; Loyalty ; Product Involvement ; Elaboration Likelihood Model












諸多食安問題出現,綠色食品逐漸受到民眾的關注,因此重視食品的品質與安全是一重要的議題。本研究在慎思可能模式(Elaboration Likelihood Model, ELM)觀點下,探討消費者對於綠色食品意象的滿意度與忠誠度之關聯性,並兼論產品涉入在此行為模式中的干擾效果。研究對象以曾經購買過綠色食品之消費者。研究方法採便利抽樣法於銷售綠色食品商店現場與網路上發放,總共收集有效問卷432份。研究結果顯示,綠色食品意象正向影響滿意度;滿意度正向影響忠誠度;綠色食品意象正向影響忠誠度。滿意度在綠色食品意象與忠誠度之間具有部份中介效果;此外,產品涉入顯著干擾滿意度與忠誠度。希冀本研究之結果,能提供相關業者於管理之策略與建議,對綠色食品消費理論與實務上能有所奉獻。


Many food security issues and green food paid gradually by the public attention, thus attention to food quality and safety are an important issue. This study aimed to explore the relevance of consumers’ satisfaction and loyalty to green food image by focusing on the model of green food image Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), and the moderating effect of product involvement in this behavior model. Research objects to those consumers who had purchased green food before. The method was used to collect the 432 valid questionnaires in the sales of green food stores and on Internet. The results showed that the green food image affected positively the satisfaction; and the satisfaction affected positively the loyalty and the green food image affected positively the loyalty. The satisfaction played partly the moderating effect between green image and loyalty. In addition, the product involves significantly moderated with the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. The research hoped that the results could provide relevant business management strategies and suggestions, meanwhile the theory and practice could be dedicated to the green food consumption.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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