


The study of sustainable service innovation model of chain restaurant industry-circular economy perspective




永續性 ; 服務藍圖 ; 服務創新 ; 循環經濟 ; 連鎖餐飲業 ; On-Going Operation ; Service Blueprint ; Service Innovation ; Circular Economy ; Chained Food and Beverage Industry












隨者網際網路、媒體資訊、行動裝置普及,傳統餐飲產業面對全球永續發展與服務創新的挑戰與衝擊,必須發展出永續服務創新模式來加以因應,由於過去循環經濟之研究,大多著重於聚焦於製造業,未能整合以多個領域進行探討,為了建構整合性連鎖餐飲業永續服務創新模式,本研究採用循環經濟的觀點,強調以使用者為基礎據以發展新服務,有關永續服務創新的運用乃是基於服務創新的四個階段(創新元素探索、需求分析、創新模式塑模、創新模式驗證)為基礎,據以有效發展並驗證永續服務創新模式。研究方法整合質化與量化研究,包括:文獻探討、標竿個案分析、內容分析法、靜態模型分析、服務藍圖、層級分析法及多變量分析等。重要的研究發現為: 一、模式探索階段:從文獻整理與次級資料收集研究的過程中,了解永續趨勢及發展內涵,以利形成本研究永續服務創新關鍵組成要素之雛型與理論基礎,此外參酌服務創新之重要理論以及服務藍圖操作手法,運用「探索→需求分析→塑模→驗證」的歷程,形成建置連鎖餐飲業永續服務創新分析構面之基礎以及研究流程觀點。 二、模式建構階段:模式建構階段針對服務藍圖並整合靜態模型來進行,研究一的作法是:以英國艾倫‧麥克阿瑟基金會、循環台灣基金會與社企流提供案例經過篩選做為標竿個案並進行分析,透過內容分析法進行編碼最後進行靜態模型分析,結果形成靜態模型;研究二的作法是:分析國內餐飲產業服務藍圖,探討在循環經濟趨勢下,連鎖餐飲產業為求生存該發展哪些永續服務創新模式來因應,透過個案篩選、內容分析內容並進行建構新服務藍圖,作形成新服務藍圖。整合靜態模型與新服務藍圖,發展成的分析架構,並建構連鎖餐飲業永續服務創新模式,建立「連鎖餐飲業永續服務創新模式衡量模式之層級結構」。 三、模式驗證階段:最後階段則以建立「連鎖餐飲業永續服務創新模式衡量模式之層級結構」進行AHP分析,解釋各項結果。研究三的作法是:根據結果建構連鎖餐飲業永續服務創新服務藍圖,建立命題根據研究命題進行連鎖餐飲業永續服務創新模式的驗證,主要運用的方法為多變量分析法,最後則歸納出研究結論與命題發展。


As the development of Internet, mass media and mobile devices, facing the challenge of on-going development and service innovation, the conventional food and beverage industry needed to build up a new model to cope with it. In the past, most studies of circular economy focused on manufacturing industry, and were lacking of discussion over multiple fields. In order to construct an on-going model of service innovation for chained food and beverage industry, this research adopted concept from circular economy, laid stress on user foundation, to set the basis from four stages of service innovation (exploration of innovative element, demand analysis, innovation modeling, verification of innovation model), thus to effectively develop the model. With integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods, this research adopted literature review, benchmark case study, content analysis, static model analysis, service blueprint, AHP and multivariate analysis. The main findings are as follows: 1.Exploration: From literature review and secondary data collection, the trend and context of on-going development has been clarified, and the initial theoretical base of this research was formed. With referring the theory of service innovation and practice of service blue print, this research formed the analytical basis and research process for chained food and beverage industry through the path of “exploration→demand analysis→modeling→verification.” 2.Modeling: In view of service blueprint and integration of static model, research one formed the static model through analysis of bench mark cases from Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Taiwan Circular Economy Foundation and Social Enterprise Insight, to create the code from content analysis. Research two analyzed the service blue print of domestic food and beverage industry, discussed the appropriate on-going service innovation model under trend of circular economy. The new service blueprint is gained from case screening and content analysis. Further, the static model and new service blueprint are integrated to found the “hierarchical structure for measurement of on-going service innovation for chained food and beverage industry.” 3.Model verification: AHP is conducted to make explanations upon the hierarchical structure gained. As for research three, multivariate analysis was applied to verify the hypothesis of the innovative model above. Recommendations for future researches and research results were listed in the last part.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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  119. 永續循環經濟發展協進會(2016)。從「五加二」產業看我國循環經濟發展潛。
  120. 財團法人中技社(2015)。循環經濟的發展趨勢與關鍵議題。
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  122. 新良食運動(2013)。天下雜誌,第519期。