


A Study of the Using of Tainan Area Elementary School Science Teachers in Electronic Textbook Preferences Factors - A Case Study of Kang Hsuan Press




電子教科書 ; 系統品質 ; 設計特色 ; 服務品質 ; Electronic textbooks ; system quality , ; design features ; quality of service














This study focuses on the Tainan area science teachers to use factors like electronic textbook. With the rapid development of technology, since 1997, the Ministry of Education began to promote "Education Information Infrastructure Project" and the "Information Primary and Secondary Education Master Plan", resulting in turning to traditional teaching multimedia computer, it began to develop various domestic textbook publishers digital Teaching resources textbooks. In this study, 2011~2015 to the natural science of Kang Hsuan electronic textbook publishers the highest market share by using user satisfaction theoretical point of view, to explore the Tainan area of natural science school teachers use textbooks Kang Hsuan situation and the use of electronic publishing after satisfactory situation. The study questionnaire collected using electronic textbooks Kang Hsuan natural science publishing house prepared, the actual instructor to let the Tainan area teaching activities, to carry out activities respondents had later, and do a rigorous design feedback analysis to understand the teaching for those who use electronic textbook recommendation and discussion. The study found that educational level which have level of education in natural science textbooks electronic system quality, the design features, age, frequency of use and other background variables there are two significant differences in the service the quality differences, all their natural science background variables of service quality electronic textbooks were no differences exist.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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