


The Paradigm Shifts of the Logistics Information System: The Views of Invisible Network of Knowledge Production




物流資訊系統 ; 典範轉移 ; 智慧結構 ; 隱形知識網絡 ; 書目計量學 ; 社會網絡分析 ; logistics information system (LIS) ; paradigm shifts intellectual structure ; invisible network of knowledge (INK) ; bibliometric techniques ; social network analysis












本研究之目的為利用物流資訊系統文獻,探討物流資訊系統的無形知識網絡及其典範轉移。研究方法上,2016年以前採用INK(invisible network of knowledge)方法的書目計量學、標籤雲和社會網絡分析技術,主要以2006 年至 2015 年發表在 SCI 與 SSCI 期刊有關物流資訊系統議題的研究文獻為對象,總計分析25,950 篇文章及 569,113 筆參考文獻資料,並分析2006-2010到2011-2015年間典範轉移(paradigm shift)。在2016年以後,本研究應用引用文獻滾雪球法(citation pearl growing),採用目前雲端科技物流資訊系統文獻推論未來的新的雲端科技物流資訊系統的典範轉移。 在2015年以前是庫存控制期、MRP期、MRPII期、ERP期、VEI期是傳統的科技時代,未來是指2016年以後是新的雲技術時期,未來物流資訊系統將朝向自動化工業4.0和物聯網(IOT)的智慧物流方向發展。 本研究結果發現,物流資訊系統的研究呈現五個主要的典範轉移的趨勢: (1)高度引用文獻的典範轉移。 (2)因素分析的典範轉移。 (3)網絡分析的典範轉移。 (4)中心分析的典範轉移。 (5)集群分析的典範轉移。 本研究實務意涵,物流資訊系統有系統動力學(system dynamics)、工作夥伴關係、供應鏈協調(supply chain coordination)、信息失真( information distortion)、模型的方法(models method) 、構念的測量 (constructs measurements )、綠色供應鏈管理(green supply chain management)、風險管理(risk management)、長鞭效應(bullwhip effect)、全球供應鏈設計(global supply chain design) 等重要議題。本研究提出一個可以讓學術界及實務界更了解物流資訊系統研究發展趨勢之方法,此方法可描繪出物流資訊系統研究領域的智慧結構及闡明其研究領域的發展及變化。


The purpose of this study is to use the logistics information system literature to explore the logistics information system of the intangible knowledge network and its exemplary shift. Based on the research method, we use bibliometrics, tag cloud and social network analysis techniques to examine the INK (invisible network of knowledge) method before 2016, mainly looking at studies published from 2006 to 2015 in SCI and SSCI journals related to the issue of logistics information system research. This study includes a total analysis of 25,950 articles and 569,113 reference materials, and analysis of the model transfer (paradigm shift) from 2006-2010 to 2011-2015. After 2016, this study uses the citation pearl growing strategy, which uses the current cloud technology logistics information system literature to infer the future of new cloud technology logistics information systems after model transfer. In 2015, before the stock control period, MRP period, MRPII period, and ERP period, the VEI period was the traditional era of science and technology. After 2016, the new cloud technology era began, marking the future development direction of logistics information systems based on industry 4.0 automation and the networking (IoT) wisdom of logistics. The results of this study show that the research of logistics information system presents five major trends of model transfer: (1) a high degree of references to the model of the transfer. (2) a model transfer of factor analysis. (3) model analysis of network transfer. (4) model analysis of the central shift. (5) model analysis of cluster analysis. In this study, the logistics information system includes system dynamics, working partnership, supply chain coordination, information distortion, model method, construction of measurements, green supply chain management, risk management, bullwhip effect, global supply chain design, and other important issues. This study presents a way to make academic and practical circles more aware of the development of trends in logistics information systems. This method can describe the structure of logistics information system research and clarify the development and changes in this research field.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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