
從一位社工的看見-論越南籍女性新住民 在婚姻中的溝通衝突之研究


The Study of Female Vietnamese Immigrants' Communication In Marital Conflict From A Social Worker’s Perspective




跨國婚姻移民 ; 夫妻溝通型態 ; 婚姻衝突 ; 生活世界 ; 溝通行動 ; Cross-Border Marital Immigrant ; Couple Communication Style ; Marital Conflict ; Life World ; Communication Action












台灣自1992年南向政策開放鼓勵台商投資東南亞以來,選擇嫁到台灣的新住民女性比例日益增多。早期多以印尼及菲律賓女性為主,惟自1996年開始越南籍女性因結婚而嫁來台灣占所有東南亞籍新住民之首位。 文獻從台越婚姻的歷史沿革、政策法規的改變及社會文化的生活衝擊及適應開始,並從德國社會學家恩格斯婚姻道德觀、哈伯馬斯的溝通行動理論的核心價值深入;最後再以衝突發生、衝突管理到策略應用來探討。 本研究針對嫁來台灣十年以上之八位越南籍女性新移民為研究對象,作質性研究之深入訪談,從訪談中了解其溝通行動以及因應衝突時之策略。經過綜合討論後,提出建議給服務新住民之家庭社會工作者及新住民政策制定上之參考。 以下給實務界上政策建議參考: 一、社會工作者具備處理家庭問題之多元文化能力與法律知識。 二、將現有的社會局、教育局及移民署資源整併及功能發揮。 三、提倡性別平權之婚姻觀。 四、夫妻共同實施婚前輔導。


The Taiwanese government has encouraged Taiwanese businessmen to invest in countries in South-East Asia since 1992. This has resulted in more female immigrants from South-East Asia marrying Taiwanese men from that time. The largest number of cross-border marital immigrants during the early period were from the Philippines and Indonesia. From 1996 females from Vietnam formed the highest percentage of brides from South East Asia. The literature review focuses on Taiwanese-Vietnamese history, policies, society, culture shock and adjustment. Utilizing the marital moral code by Friedrich Engels and the communication action theory from Jürgen Habermas as my core values, a survey was carried out to measure communication quality in marriages between a Taiwanese husband and a Vietnamese wife. The study also investigated situations which might cause conflict, how to manage difficulties in communication and strategies on how to resolve conflict. This study interviewed 8 female immigrants from Vietnam who had been married to Taiwanese men for at least 10 years or more. Through their experiences and interactions with their husbands it was possible to assess the level of communication quality and how they coped with marital conflict. After a comprehensive discussion, there are some suggestions for government policymakers and family social workers serving families with marital immigrants. The recommendations for immigrant policymakers are as follows: 1.Social workers should have the law knowledge and multicultural ability to deal with the family’s problems. 2.The services of the bureau of social affairs and education and national immigration agency should be combined in order to clarify the function of resources for families with marital immigrants. 3.To advocate sexual equality of the marital concept. 4.Enforceable premarital counseling for the couple.

主题分类 人文社會學院 > 社會工作學系(所)
社會科學 > 社會學
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