


A Study of Employee Hassles Events impact Career Satisfaction—The Moderating Effects of Employee Assistance Programs and Human Library




員工困擾問題 ; 職涯滿足 ; 員工協助方案 ; 真人圖書館 ; Employee Disturbance ; Career Satisfaction ; Employee Assistance Program ; Human Library












隨著時代的變遷,人民對於政府組織的要求愈來愈多元,為了讓人民有感,員工面臨的挑戰愈來愈嚴峻,工作壓力也日益沈重,當員工的工作壓力增加時,勢必會造成生活及身心等面向的相關問題,有些人面對這些困擾可以輕鬆度過,而有些人常因成長背景、生活環境和個人認知的關係,產生適應不良之情形。近來,政府機關導入員工協助方案,期待能透過系統化的專業服務,規劃方案與提供資源,以預防及解決可能導致員工困擾的問題,進而使其獲得職涯滿足。另外,臺南市政府真人圖書館,運用丹麥「真人圖書館(Human Library)」理念,蒐集公務職能、親子教育、理財、心靈等領域的真人圖書,以分享之精神提供借閱,協助員工解決困擾問題,使員工能以健康的身心投入工作,創造員工與組織雙贏的競爭優勢。本研究透過問卷調查法,蒐集 270 份臺南市37區區公所公務人員的正式樣本進行量表驗證性因素分析及研究假設檢定。 研究發現如下:(1)員工困擾事件中之「工作特性問題」、「財務困擾問題」對於職涯滿足具有負向顯著影響;(2)員工協助方案及真人圖書館實施程度對職涯滿足具有正向顯著影響。(3)在干擾效果方面,員工協助方案及真人圖書館實施程度,對於員工困擾事件與職涯滿足之關係具有部分顯著的干擾效果。最後,本研究根據研究發現進行結果討論,並提出研究建議等。


As time passes, people make more versatile requests toward the governmental organization, the employees face tougher challenges and pressures in order to make responses to the people, and may suffer from body-mind related problem afterwards. Some employees may not take these disturbances seriously, but some of them could have a harsh time out of their growing background, living environment or individual cognition. Recently, governmental entity introduces employee assistance programs to prevent and solve the problems causing disturbance through systematic project planning and resource allocation, and further help the employees to achieve career satisfaction. Besides, the “human library” established by Tainan City Government refer to idea from Denmark collects human books from fields of governmental function, parenting, finance and mental health, to help the employees with problem and further create a win-win competitive advantage for employees and organization. Through questionnaire survey, this research collected data from 270 samples working at 37 district offices in Tainan City, to conduct factor analysis and test hypotheses. The results showed: (1) “work characteristics” and “financial problem” have significantly negative influence on career satisfaction, (2) employee assistance programs and implementation of human library has significantly positive influence on career satisfaction. (3) In aspect of intervening effect, implementation of employee assistance program and human library has partly significant intervening effect on relationship between disturbance event and career satisfaction. The research made conclusion at the last part and proposed recommendation for future researches.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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