This research studied a fire accident in a Taiwanese chemical plant, which included a fire accident caused by oil from a high temperature pipeline being leaked into insulation materials. In recent years, multiple incidents regarding spontaneous ignition have been brought up in Taiwan, however little study has currently been conducted regarding the mechanism that causes oils to spontaneously ignite.This research proposed the factors which affect spontaneous ignition of oils, and used experiments to study the relationship between those factors and the mechanism for spontaneous ignition. Based on Semenov theory and the fire case, 6 affecting factors of oil type, oil volume, porous material, porous material thickness, humidity, and the presence of porous material were selected while 32 scenarios were created for the spontaneous ignition experiment. Temperature alterations were used to determine the critical temperature of each scenario. Experiment results utilized Semenov theory and DSC results from existing literature to discuss the causes for the different results. The presence of porous material verified the difference between spontaneous ignition and autoignition, as only 150 to 250°C was required in order for linseed and soy bean oil to spontaneously ignite, while 343°C and 445°C was needed respectively for the two oils to autoignite. In factories, insulation materials with better insulation effects are used, however, experiment results showed that rock wool, a material with a lower thermal conductivity, results in spontaneous ignition much more easily, making it more hazardous, while more humid conditions also results in a more likely chance of spontaneous ignition. The results obtained from this research can act as a useful basis for factories during hazard analysis.
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