Objective :
The nature of medical treatments is involved with many uncertain factors, which include physical instruments, facilities, human skills, and cooperation among team works. Any medical error, no matter which is slip or lapse arising in the intensive working atmosphere could cause abnormal events, even harm to a life. One way to reduce medical errors is the promotion of near miss reporting. One of the aims of this study is to investigate how the ways of defining near miss event and no harm event affect the accuracy of classification of these two kinds of events in near miss reporting. Another aim is to understand how much level of safety awareness can be lifted via group discussion of self-reporting medical events. The final aim is to differentiate the potential significance of near-miss event. The limited resources should be spent on investigating those events which could cause significant harm to reduce medical errors.
In the first phase of this study adopts the cross-sectional approach with a structured questionnaire, which include 25 questions to be classified as either a near-miss event or a no-harm event by participants with/without the hint of the Swiss-Cheese model. In the second phase, the comparisons of the number of self-reporting medical events by medical staff are made between before and after a group discussion on the reported events. In the third phase, the set of 25 questions are discussed and scrutinized to reach consensus on their significance of potential harm.
In the first phase of the study, the correct classification with the hint of the Swiss Cheese model is 90.3% while it is 69.6% without the hint. In the second phase, after a group discussion on the reported events, the number of self-reporting events increases. And the consensus among the focus group is reached to determine that 62.5% of questionnaires are potential to cause significant harm.
The application of the Swiss Cheese model help the participating medical staff correctly classify the medical events. The group discussion on the self-reporting medical events help improve the safety awareness among the participants and increase self-reporting cases.
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