


A Study of Job Demands on Job Burnout: Taking Job Resources as Moderating Variables




工作要求 ; 工作倦怠 ; 工作資源 ; 傳統產業 ; 調節變項 ; Job Demands ; Job Burnout ; Job Resources ; Traditional Industry ; Moderating Variables














This study aims at exploring the relationship among job demands, job resources and job burnout of traditional industry employees, figuring out the influence of job resources on job demands and job burnout. This study adopts documentary analysis and questionnaire survey as research methods and takes traditional industry employees as objectives. It utilizes convenience sampling, issuing 400 questionnaires. After filtering and deleting invalid ones, there are 350 valid questionnaires. The effective questionnaire return rate is 87.5%. The research tools are self-made which include: “job demands measuring scale”, “job resources measuring scale” and “job burnout measuring scale” which have fine reliability and validity. The statistical methods include frequency distribution and percentage, mean and standard deviation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, hierarchical regression analysis, etc. Research results are concluded as follows: 1. Job demands of traditional industry employees have significant positive influence on job burnout. 2. Job resources of traditional industry employees have significant negative influence on job burnout. 3. For the moderating effect of job resources, job resources does not have significant moderating effect on the influence of “job demands” and “job burnout”. Finally, according to the research results, this study proposes some concrete suggestions for the reference of management.

主题分类 管理學院 > 高階管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
社會科學 > 管理學
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