


An investigation of burnout among female nurses




護理人員 ; 職場疲勞 ; nurse ; burnout












背景:護理行業為高職場疲勞工作,職場疲勞對身心健康有其負面影響,而女性為護理職場的大多數,因此本研究希望對女性護理人員職場疲勞及相關因素進行探討。 方法:本研究為橫斷式研究設計。於2015年10月至12月招募目前在職之不同場域護理人員為研究對象,並以網路結構式匿名問卷進行資料收集。 結果:本研究結果共回收完整問卷818份(完整率94.9%)。研究對象主要為31~40歲(52.5%)、大學教育程度(73.8%)、正式雇用(80.2%)、固定白班/小夜/大夜(71.0%)、每週工時40~48小時(69.2%)與工作總年資大多10年以上(48.0%)。工作控制、工作心理負荷、主管社會支持、同事社會支持與職場正義之標準化分數依序為56.1、63.8、53.2與64.3,六成左右護理人員認為工作很耗體力(65.5%)及就業缺乏保障(59.5%)。整體職場疲勞標準化分數51.6,其他面向之個人疲勞、工作相關疲勞、服務對象疲勞及工作過度投入標準化分數依序為56.0、52.6、44.9、52.8,以個人疲勞程度最嚴重。醫療場所和非醫療場所護理人員職場疲勞情形和全體樣本分布相似。職場疲勞具統計顯著相關之因子包括慢性病(P<0.05)、工作總年資(P<0.05)、每週工時(P <0.05)、工作控制(P <0.05)、工作心理負荷(P<0.05)、職場正義(P<0.05)及體力負荷(P<0.05);除了上述因子外,醫療場所多了主管社會支持(P<0.05),非醫療場所則少了上述之慢性病與工作總年資。 結論:護理人員職場疲勞以個人疲勞程度最嚴重,另外每週工時、工作控制、工作心理負荷、職場正義和體力負荷為職場疲勞的相關因素。職場疲勞可能會對健康或實務產生負向影響,未來應降低造成職場疲勞的相關因素,以減少護理人員職場疲勞的發生及不良影響。


Background: Nursing is a job with a high level of burnout causing negative effects on health. Females are the predominant gender in the nursing practice. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore burnout and related factors among female nurses. Methods: This is a cross-sectional design study. We recruited nurses from different settings between October and December 2015. Data collected by a structured anonymous online questionnaire. Results: Total of 818 completed questionnaires were collected (completion rate was 94.9% ). The major participants were 31-40 years old (52.5%), university degree (73.8%), full-time job (80.2%), fixed shifts (71.0%), 4048 hours per week (69.2%), and more than 10 years of working experience (48.0%). The standardized scores of job control, psychological demands, supervisor support, co-worker support and workplace justice were 56.1, 63.8, 53.2, and 64.3, respectively. Nearly 60% of nurses agreed with labor consuming work (65.6%) and employment insecurity (59.5%). The average score for burnout was 51.6. The four domains of personal burnout, work-related burnout, client-related burnout, and over-commitment were 56.0, 52.6, 44.9 and 52.8, respectively. Personal burnout was the most serious in the four domains. There is no significant difference of burnout between medical and non-medical settings. The related factors of burnout included chronic disease (P<0.05), duration of employment (P<0.05), weekly working hours (P<0.05), job control (P<0.05), psychological demand (P<0.05), workplace justice (P<0.05) and physical demand (P<0.05). Apart from the above, supervisor support (P<0.05) was a related factor of burnout for nurses in medical settings. On the contrary, chronic disease and duration of employment were not associated with burnout of nurses in non-medical settings. Conclusions: Personal burnout was the most serious in the four domains of burnout for nurses. The related factors of burnout included weekly working hours, job control, psychological demand, workplace justice and physical demand. Burnout might cause negative effects on health and practices. In the future, it is essential to decrease related factors of burnout, and to reduce adverse effects on nurses.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
健康科學學院 > 護理學系(所)
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