


The Meta-Analysis of Technology Management Studies in Past Two Decades: Its Invisible Network of Knowledge




科技管理 ; 智慧結構 ; 社會網絡 ; 書目計量學 ; 標籤雲 ; Technology Management ; Intellectual Structure ; Social Network ; Bibliometric Techniques ; Tagcloud












科技管理是現代企業管理的重要發展項目之一,不少學者曾針對科技管理進行相關研究分析,提供了諸多科技管理研究的發現與貢獻。為了解科技管理相關研究之整體發展趨,本研究旨在探討1996年至2015年二十年間科技管理研究的整體趨勢,以隱性學術智慧網络為主軸,分析國際人力資源管理的領域,本研究從SSCI與SCI國際期刊的資料庫中擷取1996年至2015年二十年之間科技管理相關研究論文資料,有關科技管理研究議題的研究文獻為對象,藉由文獻引用之數據,依「作者」、「期刊或書籍」與「文章」三大類別進行個別項目的分析,並將過去二十年科技管理研究分別以五年和十年為單位進行階段性探討及整體趨勢分析。本研究方法採用引文與共引文分析,以「科技管理」作為研究主軸,研究其知識結構。本研究結果發現: 1.近二十年來(1996-2015)在外科技管理之相關研究中,最具影響力的前五名作者,分別為Nonaka, Teece, Davis, Venkatesh以及Eisenhardt。 2.近二十年來(1996-2015)在科技管理之相關研究中,最常被引用的前五本期刊,分別為Management Information Systems Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Technovation以及Diabetes Care。 3.近二十年來(1996-2015)科技管理之相關研究中最常被引用的文章大部分皆為Ikujiro Nonaka所發表的文章,且深具影響力。 4.分析標籤雲關鍵用語,除相關科技(Technology)及管理(Management)領域之研究受到重視外,資訊(Information)、系統(System)、知識(Knowledge)亦是科技管理領域中需要注重的跨領域學科。 本研究結果顯示,科技管理領域中各項研究所帶來的影響,倚重資訊學科與知識管理的發展,並產生策略上的趨勢變化。透過學術智慧網路之探究瞭解科技管理的趨勢與影響,並提供未來相關研究之重要參考。


Technology Management is one of the important developments of modern business management, a couple of scholars having done the technology management research and analysis have provided significant contributions on the related issues. This study aims to examine understand the overall developmental trend of technology management research within the years of 1996-2015. Retrieved from the SSCI and SCI international journal databases, reference data were divided into three categories,including"authors', "journals or books, as well as"articles" to analyze the overall trend. By using citation and co-citation analyses, this study focused on the specific theme of "technology management" to explore its structure of knowledge. Through academic intelligence network, this study provided not only an understanding of the trend and influence on technology management but also an essential reference for future research. The results of this study showed that: 1.During the past two decades(1996-2015), the top five influential authors in the Technology Management Research were Nonaka, Teece, Davis, Venkatesh and Eisenhardt. 2.During the past two decadeg(1996-2015) the ton five innuential journals in the Technology Management Research were Management Information Systems Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Technovation and Diabetes Care. 3.During the past two decades (1991-2010), most frequently cited articles in Technology Management Research were published by Ikujiro Nonaka, and vary influential. 4.Based on the tag clouds for the key terms of the keywords, this study found that in addition to research-related fields of technology and management, the information systems, knowledge management are also interdisciplinary disciplines. need to focus on. The results of the study show that technology management depend on the development of information system and knowledge management disciplines. Through the exploration of invisible network of knowledge, this study has presented a much clearer understanding of the technology management trend and impact, and provides an important reference for future research.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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