


Moderating Effects of Personality Traits of Bus Drivers on the Job Stress Model






工作壓力 ; 內外控人格特質 ; 客運駕駛員 ; 壓力反應 ; 壓力來源 ; Job Stress ; Demographics and Locus of Control Personality Traits ; Bus Drivers ; Stress Reaction ; Stress Source












本研究旨在探討客運駕駛員工作壓力來源與壓力反應之關係,並以內外控人格特質為調節變項,探討內外控人格特質對工作壓力來源與壓力反應兩者間之影響。本研究方法採文獻分析法與問卷調查法,以客運駕駛員為施測對象,採便利抽樣方式,發出問卷300份,經由篩選及剔除無效問卷後,共獲得有效問卷為262份,有效問卷回收率為87.33%。研究工具為自編「客運駕駛員工作壓力來源與壓力反應問卷」,內含「工作壓力來源量表」、「壓力反應量表」及「內外控人格特質量表」三種量表,具有良好的信度與效度。統計方法採次數分配與百分比、平均數及標準差、皮爾遜積差相關、階層迴歸分析(Hierarchical Regression Analysis)等方法。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、客運駕駛員工作壓力來源對壓力反應具有預測作用。壓力反應包括:工作滿意度、心理健康、身體健康三個構面。就「工作滿意度」而言,人際關係、薪資獎金對工作滿意度具有預測力,最有效的預測因子為薪資獎金,人際關係次之。換言之,當薪資獎金、人際關係愈佳,客運駕駛員的工作滿意度愈高;就「心理健康」而言,家庭與工作互動對心理健康具有預測力。換言之,當家庭與工作互動愈佳,客運駕駛員的心理健康愈佳;就「身體健康」而言,家庭與工作互動、薪資獎金對身體健康具有預測力,最有效的預測因子為薪資獎金,家庭與工作互動次之。換言之,當薪資獎金、家庭與工作互動愈佳,客運駕駛員的身體健康愈佳。 二、內外控人格特質會調節工作壓力來源對壓力反應之影響。就「工作滿意度」而言,內外控人格特質會正向調節自我認知與工作滿意度之關係。就「心理健康」而言,內外控人格特質會正向調節家庭與工作互動與心理健康之關係。就「身體健康」而言,內外控人格特質會正向調節組織結構與氣氛與身體健康之關係;內外控人格特質會正向調節家庭與工作互動與身體健康之關係。換言之,當客運駕駛員愈具有內控人格特質時,在自我認知與工作滿意度之關係上、家庭與工作互動與心理健康之關係上、組織結構與氣氛與身體健康之關係上、家庭與工作互動與身體健康之關係上,皆會有增強的現象。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供主管機關、客運業者之參考。 關鍵字:工作壓力、內外控人格特質、客運駕駛員、壓力反應、壓力來源


This study aims at exploring the relationship between job stress source and stress reaction of bus drivers, taking demographics and locus of control personality traits as moderating variable to figure out the influence of demographics and locus of control personality traits on job stress source and stress reaction. This study adopts documentary analysis and questionnaire survey as research methods and takes bus drivers as objectives. It utilizes convenience sampling, issuing 300 questionnaires. After filtering and deleting invalid ones, there are 262 valid questionnaires. The effective questionnaire return rate is 87.33%. The research tool is self-made “Job stress source and stress reaction of bus drivers Questionnaire” which includes three measuring scales: “job stress source measuring scale”, “stress reaction measuring scale” and “demographics and locus of control personality traits measuring scale” which has fine reliability and validity. The statistical methods include frequency distribution and percentage, mean and standard deviation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, hierarchical regression analysis, etc. Research results are concluded as follows: 1. Job stress source of bus drivers has prediction effect for stress reaction. Stress reaction includes three dimensions: job satisfaction, mental health and physical health. For “job satisfaction”, interpersonal relationship and paycheck and bonus has prediction effect on job satisfaction. The most effective predictor is paycheck and bonus. In other words, the better the paycheck and bonus and interpersonal relationship are, the higher the job satisfaction of bus drivers will be; for “mental health”, “interaction between family and job” has prediction effect on job satisfaction. In other words, the better the interaction between family and job is, the better the mental health of bus drivers will have; for “physical health”, “interaction between family and job” and “paycheck and bonus” has prediction effect on physical health. The most effective predictors are sequentially paycheck and bonus “and “interaction between family and job. In other words, the better the paycheck and bonus and interaction between family and job are, the better the physical health of bus drivers will have. 2. Demographics and locus of control personality traits would moderate the influence of job stress source on stress reaction. For “job satisfaction”, demographics and locus of control personality traits would positively moderate the relationship between self-efficacy and job satisfaction; For “mental health”, demographics and locus of control personality traits would positively moderate the relationship between the interaction between family and job and mental health; for “physical health”, demographics and locus of control personality traits would positively moderate the relationship between organizational structure and atmosphere and physical health; demographics and locus of control personality traits would positively moderate the relationship between the interaction between family and job and physical health. In other words, when bus drivers have high demographics and locus of control personality traits, it will enhance the relationship between self-efficacy and job satisfaction, the relationship between the interaction between family and job and mental health, the relationship between organizational structure and atmosphere and physical health and the relationship between the interaction between family and job and physical health. Finally, according to the research results, this study proposes some concrete suggestions for the reference of relevant authorities and bus operators. Keywords: Job Stress, Demographics and Locus of Control Personality Traits, Bus Drivers, Stress Reaction, Stress Source

主题分类 管理學院 > 高階管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
社會科學 > 管理學
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