


Customer Value Proposition Design a service for IC testing FT process




價值定位 ; 半導體IC測試業 ; 設計思考 ; 價值流程圖 ; 客戶服務 ; 製造業服務化 ; Value proposition ; Semiconductor IC test industry ; Design thinking ; Value stream map ; Customer service ; Manufacturing servitization












近年來,隨著客戶服務愈來愈受到重視,製造業服務化也被熱烈的討論。本研究以客戶服流程中接觸點(touch point)的探討,來發現客戶價值定位,並以此客戶價值,融入到製造業製程流程中,以客戶角度融合廠內觀點來看製程流程上的風險,並以此做改善,提供以符合客戶價值的流程,不斷改善來達到客戶要求。 在半導體FT製程來說,對於如何提供一個好的客戶服務,很少有從客戶價值設計客戶服務的流程。本研究參考英國工業設計協會所提倡的4D模型中設計思考的精神與文獻”Value Proposition Design”相關理論為基礎,再融合客戶服務與精實生產中為了消除浪費所推行的價值流程圖來做為工具,以各種圖示方式在討論時輕鬆讓人了解需表達的意義,以此讓討論者能夠輕易達成共識,並以客戶角度來看客戶服務,結合廠內流程風險評估提出客戶服務,結合供給與需求面提出此客戶服務流程,並以此找到Chip ID比對卡關與數量異常卡關兩項服務對於客戶服務的滿意非常重要,在尋找的過程中,也驗證出此客戶服務流程對於B2B的客戶服務流程是十分有效的。 在B2B中看待客戶服務常會以自己的角度來看待如何提供一個客戶服務。本研究將B2C中客戶價值定位融入B2B的客戶服務流程,以客戶角度來發現公司內部可提供的服務方式,並以此為基礎,不斷改善公司內部製程已提供新的服務給客戶,以滿足客戶的需求。


In recent years, for the customer service more and more be emphasized, the manufacturing industry has also been a heated discussion. In this study, customer service process to touch point to be explored , to find out customer value orientation, and this customer value, into the manufacturing process , integrate the customer point of view with the plant process risk , And to improve, and to provide customers with the value of the process, continuous improvement to meet customer requirements. In the semiconductor FT process, there is seldom an effective process from the customer value proposition for how to provide a good customer service. Based on the theory of "Value Proposition Design" and the theory of Value Proposition Design, we can combine the customer service with the value flow chart in the lean production to eliminate the waste, and take this as the foundation of the design thinking in the 4D model advocated by British Industrial Design Association. Tools, to use various diagrams in the discussion easily and to understand the meaning of the need to express, in order to allow discussion to easily reach a consensus, and customer service point of view, combined with the plant process risk assessment of customer service, combined with supply and the demand side of this customer service process, and find out the “CHIP ID system” & “quantity compared system” two customer service to meet the customer request, for the finding process , we verify the process is effective to the B2B customer service. In the B2B, to look at customer service often in their own perspective on how to provide a customer service. In this study, B2C customer value orientation into the B2B customer service processes, customer perspective to find the company can provide services within the way, and continuously improve the company's internal process has been to provide new services to customers to meet customer of the demand.

主题分类 工學院 > 工業工程與工程管理學系碩士在職專班
工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 管理學
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