
數位視覺設計融匯虛擬化身與學習夥伴之應用對中學生悅 趣式古文學習感知之探討


A Study of Applications of Digital Visual Design with Avatars and Learning Companions into Game-based Classical Chinese Learning and the Perceptions by the Junior High Students




視覺化圖像 ; 虛擬化身 ; 學習夥伴 ; 古典文學學習 ; Visualization ; Customized Avatars ; Learning companions ; Chinese Classical Literature Teaching












本研究為了改善學習者在學習上遭遇的困難以及教學者開發學習資源的重擔,擬開發一數位視覺化圖像應用於多媒體學習資源「文海奇遊 - 遊大明湖」悅趣式古文學習系統。本研究將針對「文海奇遊 - 遊大明湖」悅趣式古文學習系統的兩個維度的三種數位視覺圖像做探討,分別為學習度的「視覺化古文圖像」以及參與度的「虛擬化身圖像」與「學習夥伴圖像」。 本研究將古典文學視覺化的圖像場景融入悅趣式古文學習系統,以深入探討數位視覺圖像應用於悅趣式古文學習系統對於學生古文感知的影響與學習成效。同時,為了使學習者可以更加深入古典文學視覺化的圖像所構成的虛擬學習環境中,本研究融匯虛擬化身,使學生可以依照本身喜好調整虛擬化身外貌圖像,代表學習者進入多媒體互動系統中,體驗視覺化古典文學所建構出來的場景、人物、故事等等。再者,為了使學習者可以更加沉浸在系統中,以自由選擇的多元學習夥伴外型圖像,伴隨其虛擬化身,提供學習上的協助,輔助學生學習。希望藉由悅趣式系統中,多樣化的數位視覺圖像呈現,提供學生多元的學習方式,提昇學生對於古典文學的正向感受,並增進學生對於文章內容的了解。 本研究至南台灣一所公立國民中學進行實驗,邀請了兩個國二班級,共60位學生參與預習實測,將班級分做實驗組與對照組,分別進行「文海奇遊-遊大明湖」悅趣式系統與繪本電子書閱讀,共兩小時之課前預習實驗,由學生在系統引導後,於兩個小時內以班級為單位個別自由操作悅趣式系統操作,及閱讀繪本電子書,並且透過系統中的段落任務進行視覺化圖像的學習。 本研究以分析後的量化與質性資料,依照研究問題,提出以下的研究發現,數位視覺化圖像在悅趣式系統中,視覺化古典文學圖像在悅趣式系統能有效且顯著地提升國民中學生的預習成效,並且提升了學生對於古典文學的正向感受。同時,對於虛擬化身客製化外貌圖像的認同及喜好最影響學生對於古文的喜好程度,而學習夥伴的造型圖像是系統當中學生最為喜好的元素,並使學生更加喜好所建構出來的學習環境,更加沉浸在系統當中。數位視覺圖像在悅趣式系統中的三個向度皆會提升學生對於古文的好感度,並彼此相輔相成,由需求與理論所建構的學習夥伴引領學生客製化的虛擬化身,體驗以視覺化古典文學圖像建構虛擬環境,提升學習成效,達到寓教於樂的效果。 最後,本研究依據實驗成果,在數位視覺圖像應用於悅趣式古文學習系統的設計上,提出了視覺化古典文學圖像、客製化虛擬化身圖像,多元學習夥伴圖像三個向度的數位視覺化圖像設計建議,共後續的研究者做設計的參考:(一)將古典文學重點文句取出作為視覺化的互動元素圖像,取得學習者的注意力,以加深學習印象;(二)善用客製化高中年紀的卡通化七頭身虛擬化身圖像,能提升國中學生的古文感知,增進與文章內容的聯結;(三)具幻想性的動物造型卡通化學習夥伴圖像,能增進學生操作悅趣式古文系統的意願,進而沉浸在視覺化古典文學圖像所建構的虛擬世界當中。


For improving the learning difficulty for the learners and the loading of learning resources developers, we designed a multimedia learning resource: “The Magical Journey of the Literature – The Journey of Daming Lake”. The research mainly focuses on three dimensions of digital visual images mapping to the two factor of game-based learning, “Learning” to the visualized Chinese classical literature scene, and “engagement” to the virtual avatar images and learning companion images. We want to know whether applied visualized Chinese classical literature scenes into the game-based Chinese classical literature learning system has impact on junior high students understanding of Chinese classical literatures. Moreover, we integrated the target learners’ preference of avatars’ appearance images that students like most in the virtual environments, hoping to increase junior high students’ learning engagements in the virtual environment we created by Chinese classical literature scenes. Furthermore, to increase junior high students’ immersion in the system, we integrated the free chosen multiple leaning companion images to accompany beside the avatar they created, and assisted learner’s learning. We hope that the digital visual images showed by game-based learning system would help An achievement test and a questionnaire were administered to the junior high school students in a junior high school in southern Taiwan, where two experimental classes, one class for game-based learning and another for e-book system, and there are 60 students involved in this study. After the guidance of the system operation, students could operate the system in two hours, and learned by visualized images in the section by section. Overall, the results show that students have significant prep achievement in learning classical literatures by the visualized images in the game-based Chinese classical literature learning system, and they have a positive attitude toward the visualized learning toward Chinses classical literature. Furthermore, the results of this study also show that students have high achievements in learning Chinese classical literature because of their commitments toward the virtual avatars. Moreover, images of learning companions is the most attractive element in the game-based learning system, enhancing the preferences and the immersion of the virtual environment. In this study, the three dimensions of digital visual images in game-based learning system will increase the positive attitude toward the Chinese classical literature and achievements. Moreover, reach the goal of learning in enjoyment.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
電機資訊學院 > 資訊系統與應用研究所
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