


The effects of Qi-gong training course on attention and impulse control problem in children with ADHD




氣功 ; 注意力缺陷過動症 ; 注意力 ; 衝動控制 ; Qi-Qong ; ADHD ; Attention ; Impulse control












本研究旨在探討「氣功訓練課程」對注意力缺陷過動症兒童在注意力與衝動控制的成效,採不等組前-後測之準實驗設計,以新竹市35位國小兒童經篩選為注意力缺陷過動症者為受試者,分成實驗組A(12位)、實驗組B(11位)及對照組(12位)三組,實驗組A接受感覺統合和氣功拳法課程,實驗組B接受氣功拳法和氣功按摩課程,而對照組接受感覺統合和樂高積木課程,分別進每週1小時,為期12週的訓練課程。本研究以「國小注意力測驗量表」、「克氏持續度表現測驗(CPT II)」、「注意力缺陷/過動障礙測驗(ADHDT)」和「平衡訓練評估儀(PSA)」所得到量化資料依相依樣本t檢定和ANOVA進行各組內及組間之比較,最後以學生和家長填寫的回饋單作為了解學習動機與學習效果的輔助資料。本研究主要發現如下: 1.實驗組A、 B在「國小兒童注意力測驗量表」的全量表及五項注意力向度之前、後測差達顯著差異,對照組僅在全量表、選擇性及交替性注意力向度達顯著差異;三組間比較下,對照組與驗組A、B在全量表、持續性和選擇性注意力向度皆達顯著差異。 2.實驗組A在CPT II之Ommisions、Hit RT及Hit RT SE,而實驗組B在Ommisions、Comissions及Hit RT SE之前、後測組內比較達顯著差異。 3.實驗組A、B在ADHDT的前-後測表現中,過動性、衝動性與不專注項目達顯著差異,對照組僅在過動與不專注項目達顯著差異。 4.在PSA項目組內比較中,僅實驗組A之「A-P SD」及「Sway Rate」達顯著差異;在組間比較中,實驗組A之Sway Rate的閉眼狀態與對照組相比有達顯著差異。 5.所有受試者( 35人)在PSA測力板上之前測重心表現大部分落在第三象限(62.86%),而實驗組B在PSA上象限的改變情形較為穩定,僅有2位有象限改變之情形。 6.從學生及家長回饋單中得知,在各訓練課程結束後,各組受試者及其家長對於自我表現評價、自覺孩子的改變情形、以及課堂滿意度均有正向回饋。 最後,研究者依據上述之研究結果進行討論,並針對教育現場之應用以及對未來研究提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Qi-gong training course on attention and impulse control in children with ADHD. The study adopted inequivalent pre-post quasi-experimental design. The subjects were divided into experiment group A (n=12), experimental group B (n=11) and control group (n=12). The experiment group A received sensory integration and the Qi-gong exercise course, experiment group B received Qi-gong exercise and Qi-gong massage course, and the control group received sensory integration and Lego course. The training courses last 12 weeks and took one hour per week. All groups took the Attention Scales for Elementary School Children, Conner’s Continuous Performance Test II (CPT II), Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder Test (ADHDT), and Posture Scale Analyzer (PSA) for pre-test and post-test. The quantitative data was analyzed by the paired samples t-test, and also use ANOVA to compare the results of the three groups. The results are as follows: 1.There was significant difference between the pre-test and post-test in the whole scale and the five attention items of the Attention Scales for Elementary School Children test in the experiment group A and B, but the control group only in the whole scale, the selective of attention and the alternation of attention items had significant difference. There was significant difference between the three groups in the whole scale and continuous and selective attention items in the control group and the experiment group A and B. 2.In experiment group A there was significant difference between the pre-test and post-test in Ommisions, Hit RT and Hit RT SE of the CPT II test, but in experiment group B there was significant difference in Ommisions, Commissions and Hit RT SE. 3.There was significant difference between the pre-test and post-test in hyperactivity, impulse and non-focused item of the ADHDT test in the experiment group A and B. The control group only showed significant difference in the non-focused and hyperactivity items. 4.In experiment group A there were significant differences between the pre-test and post-test in A-P SD with eyes opened and Sway Rate with the eyes opened and closed of the PSA test. There was significant difference between the three groups in the Sway Rate with eyes closed in the experiment group A and control group. 5.In the pre-test, most of all subjects their center of pressure (COP) were in the third quadrant (62.86%), while the change in the quadrant of the experiment group B on the PSA was more stable, with only 2 subjects had quadrants changed. 6.According to the analysis of subjects and their parents’ feedback, they were reported positive feedback on self-performance evaluation, perceived after the course the change of their child, and classroom satisfaction. Finally, the researchers based on the above conclusions, and provides some suggestions in educational field of application and future study.

主题分类 竹師教育學院 > 特殊教育學系
社會科學 > 教育學
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