This paper pinpoints the impact of different personal value through some different ages in Taiwan from the middle-aged people to their elderly life business opportunity. People used to think nursing home care was the most important for the elderly to stay in 1990, and start to develop the technology to make an important contribution to the care of elderly people to service the baby boom which is the historical biggest amount people who need to take care of their parents (from 2000) or their own old life. They use the Video‐monitoring, remote health monitoring, electronic sensors and equipment such as fall detectors, door monitors, bed alerts, pressure mats and smoke and heat alarms can improve older people's safety, security and ability to cope at home. Care at home is often preferable to patients and is usually less expensive for care providers than institutional alternatives. But our case study elaborates that customer did not feel well to disclosure their private data to anyone. This problem have not been solved that we focus on the reasons why and how the elderly people accept the tolerance to let new technology to intervene their life. This paper collect (1) case studies and (2) a quantitative analysis of different-age Questionnaire data. Data have been collected from archives, interviews, newspapers, and published reports. This paper challenges the best care to the elderly is not to sell the nursing care service to the elderly or their children. It should be earlier to promote the best body care to the elderly or who were young. This report analysis the current marketing challenge and business model of the subject in question. It is our hope that this paper can shed light on development possibilities of the particular subject as well as its peers in the industry while they are shaping their future directions and marketing model plans.This paper collect (1) the current state, (2) the desired state, (3) combination of current and desired states into a single statement.
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