


Construction and Validation of Technology Function Matrix – The Case of CPS Patent Analysis




技術功效矩陣 ; 智慧網實系統 ; 專利分析 ; 專利布局 ; Technology function matrix ; CPS ; patent analysis ; patent portfolio












隨著各國企業與個人越來越重視透過專利來保障自身的權利,有效的專利分析方法越來越重要。若能妥善運用專利分析的手法,可用於避免專利侵權所造成的不必要糾紛。此外,專利文件中蘊含著可以用來了解過去、現在以及未來技術發展情形的資訊。它們可以被用於所關心領域的技術趨勢預測、技術生命週期探討以及擬定市場策略。技術功效矩陣 (Technology function matrix, TFM) 能夠用來快速看出技術與功效的發展趨勢。然而現存的方法無法用來快速產出值得信賴的技術功效矩陣。本研究運用專利地圖與技術功效矩陣等專利分析手法來針對欲探討之技術領域專利進行分析。並透過電腦輔助生成技術功效矩陣,來節省原本產生技術功效矩陣所需的大量人力,以及減少由人工主觀判讀生成矩陣的所造成的偏誤。此外,前人針對技術功效矩陣的研究,鮮少探究生成矩陣的結果是否準確以及值得信賴。因此,本研究特別著重於驗證所生成技術功效矩陣的準確性。主要的驗證方法是將本研究生成的矩陣結果與使用專利分類碼 (Patent classification code) 生成之技術功效矩陣進行比對,除了比對兩矩陣間專利匹配結果的差異,也透過將關鍵字探勘、專利分群 (Clustering)之結果對應到兩矩陣之中來進行綜合比較分析、探討其差異顯著性。提供能夠快速分析一個專業領域技術發展趨勢的方法。本研究還提出一項結合專利演進 (Patent evolution) 與技術功效矩陣結果的方法,可以用來看出技術功效矩陣中,因時間而改變的技術與功效趨勢。此外,本研究以工業4.0中重要的議題智慧網實系統 (Cyber-Physical Systems, CPS)作為案例,探討其專利佈局情況,並用於進行前述方法的實證。希望本研究的提出的方法與分析結果能幫助研究人員快速能夠快速掌握技術發展先機。


With the increasing attention of enterprises and individuals in various countries to protect their rights through patents, effective methods of patent analysis are becoming more and more important. If patent analysis methods are used properly, we can avoid unnecessary disputes caused by patent infringement. In addition, patent documents contain information that can be used to understand the past, present, and future technological developments. They can be used for technical trends forecasting, technology life cycle exploration, and market strategy development in the domain of interest. This study applies patent analysis methods such as patent maps and technology function matrices (TFM) to analyze the patents. Through the computer-aided generation of TFM, the research can save a lot of manpower needed to build the TFM, and to reduce the error caused by artificial subjective judgment. In addition, other studies related to the TFM rarely explore whether the results of TFM are accurate and trustworthy. Therefore, this study also focuses on the accuracy verification of TFM. The main validation method is to compare the matrix results generated by this study with the TFM generated using the patent classification code. This study also proposes a combination of patent evolution and TFM results, which reflects the technology and function trends over time, and allows researchers to quickly grasp the technical development opportunities. In this study, the topic of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), which is an important part of industry 4.0, is taken as a case used to demonstrate the proposed method to discuss its patent portfolios.

主题分类 工學院 > 工業工程與工程管理學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 管理學
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