


A Research of Applying Reader’s Theater to improve English Speaking Proficiency and Learning Interests of the Sixth-Grade Elementary School Students




讀者劇場 ; 英語口說能力 ; 英語學習興趣 ; Reader’s Theater ; English speaking proficiency ; English learning interests












本研究旨在探討運用讀者劇場融入英語教學以提升國小六年級學生英語口說能力與學習興趣之成效。研究者採取行動研究的方法,以何嘉仁Story.com版本第七冊和第八冊為教材來源,共設計二個循環的教學歷程,第一循環的課程教授第七冊三、四單元,第二循環的課程教授第八冊二、三單元,並改編每一循環的二個課本單元故事為讀者劇場劇本內容,並進行小組學生讀者劇場演出。研究對象為新竹縣海洋國小六年甲班27位學生,進行二循環之讀者劇場教學活動。 研究者蒐集與分析學生英語學習背景調查表、口說多向度流暢度量表、英語學習興趣量表、課堂教學觀察記錄、學生訪談記錄、教師教學省思日誌等資料,以探究讀者劇場教學方案實施後,對學生英語口說能力及英語學習興趣提升的成效為何。研究者將本研究之結論分為三個層面說明如下: 一、於協同備課、教學設計、實施、回饋與省思之歷程,研究者宜善用協同教師與學校行政的資源 與支援、宜善用讀者劇場教學的特性與策略、宜選擇適合學生程度之多元教學法、小組異質性 分組宜顧及公平與彈性原則。 二、於讀者劇場教學方案提升學生英語口說能力上,學生的英語口說能力在「正確性」和「聲音情 緒與大小」的向度上明顯提升。 三、於讀者劇場教學方案提升學生英語學習興趣上,學生的英語學習興趣顯著提升。 最後,根據研究結論,對學校行政單位、國小英語教師及未來研究者提出具體的建議,以供未來有意實施英語讀者劇場教學及相關研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the effects on improving English speaking proficiency and learning interests of the sixth-grade elementary school students by applying Reader’s Theater (RT) to English instruction. The researcher applies action research approach, chooses Book 7 and Book 8 of HESS Story.com edition as teaching materials, and designs the teaching courses of two cycles. The curriculums of Cycle 1 are Unit 3 and Unit 4 of Book 7, and the curriculums of Cycle 2 are Unit 2 and Unit 3 of Book 8. The researcher adapts the stories on the textbook for the scripts of Reader’s Theater, and the students are divided into small groups to enact the RT show. There are 27 sixth-graders from Ocean Elementary School in Hsinchu County participating in this study for the RT instruction of two cycles. By collecting and analyzing the data such as students’ English learning background survey, oral multidimensional fluency scale, English learning interests scale, classroom observation records, students’ interview records, teacher’s self-reflection journal, the researcher is able to explore the effects of RT instruction program on improving English speaking proficiency and learning interests. The findings of the study are divided into three levels: 1. In the progress of preparing lessons with team teachers, designing and implementing curriculums, as well as giving feedback and self-reflection, the researcher should make good use of the resources and supports from the team teachers and school administration, practice the features and strategies of RT instruction well, choose multiple teaching methods that are suitable for students’ levels, as well as be fair and flexible on students’ heterogeneous grouping. 2. In the aspect of improving students’ English speaking proficiency by Reader’s Theater, RT instruction program significantly improved students’ speaking proficiency on “accuracy” as well as “expression and volume.” 3. In the aspect of improving students’ English learning interests by Reader’s Theater, RT instruction program significantly enhanced students’ learning interests in English. Finally, proposing suggestions for school administration, elementary school English teachers and the future researchers according to the research findings, and then making recommendations for those who are interested in English Reader’s Theater instruction and for further studies.

主题分类 竹師教育學院 > 教育行政碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 教育學
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