
公立小學校長領導、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營關係之研究 —以臺北市和南京市為例


A Study on the Relationship among Primary School Principal’s Leadership, Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior and School Innovation Management – Take Taipei City and Nanjing City for Example




校長領導 ; 組織公民行為 ; 創新經營 ; innovation management ; leadership ; organizational citizenship behavior












本研究旨在探討臺北市與南京市公立小學校長領導、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營之關係,目的在瞭解臺北市與南京市公立小學校長領導、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營之現況,並探討三者的相關情形。本研究透過文獻分析,採問卷調查法,以臺北市與南京市五個城區之公立小學教師為調查對象,臺北市共發出570份問卷,回收率72.98%,有效問卷共362份;南京市共發出600份問卷,回收率75.17%,有效問卷共363份。問卷回收後以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定及結構方程模式進行資料分析。 根據研究分析結果,獲得以下結論:一、臺北市與南京市教師對校長領導之現況具中高度知覺;兩地均以「引領環境」最高,臺北市以「教學領導」最低、南京市以「組織社群」最低。二、臺北市與南京市教師對教師組織公民行為之現況具中高度知覺;兩地均以「利他人行為」最高,均以「利學校行為」最低。三、臺北市與南京市教師對學校創新經營之現況具中高度知覺;兩地均以「學生表現創新」最高,均以「課程教學創新」最低。四、臺北市與南京市校長領導、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營三者之間具相關性,且影響關係模式適配度良好。五、臺北市與南京市校長領導對學校創新經營有顯著直接影響效果,但校長領導亦可透過教師組織公民行為的中介效果提高學校創新經營。 因此,本研究建議:一、臺北市小學校長應著力於教學領導,強化校長領導。二、南京市小學校長重視組織社群,增強校長領導。三、臺北市與南京市小學整合利學校行為活動,增強教師組織公民行為。四、臺北市與南京市小學聚焦課程教學創新,增強學校創新經營。五、臺北市小學校長重視發展人才及教學領導、南京市重教學領導,強化校長領導以提升學校創新經營。六、臺北市與南京市小學校長領導加強促發教師組織公民行為,進而提升學校創新經營。


This study was designed to investigate the relationships of primary school principal’s leadership, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior and school innovation management in Taipei City and Nanjing City. This study aims to investigate the current status and interrelationship of primary school principal’s leadership, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior and school innovation management in Taipei City and Nanjing City. Through literature analysis,questionnaire survey was used as the primary research method in this study. Questionnaires pertaining to the above three variables were administered to a sample of teachers from selected primary schools in Taipei City and Nanjing City. There were 362 returned questionnaires with valid responses from 570 questionnaires and the return rate of 72.98% in Taipei City, and there were 363 returned questionnaires with valid responses from 600 questionnaires and the return rate of 75.17% in Nanjing City. The researcher conducted descriptive statistics, independent t-test and structural equation modelling (SEM) for data analysis. Based on the analysis of the results, the following conclusions:1. Primry shool teachers’ perceptions of principal leadership are high in Tapei and Nanjing. Both the two cities the highest dimension is "leading the environment". The lowest dimension is "teaching leadership" in Taipei and The lowest dimension is "organization community" in Nanjing. 2. Primry shool teachers’ perceptions of teachers' organiztional citizenship behavior are high in Tapei and Nanjing. Both the two cities the highest dimension is " altruistic behavior" and the lowest dimension is " dedication to school behavior ". 3. Primry shool teachers’ perceptions of school innovation management are high in Tapei and Nanjing. Both the two cities the highest dimension is " student performance innovation " and the lowest dimension is " curriculum teaching innovation ". 4. There are significant postive correlations among the three variables. 5. While teachers’ perceptions of principal leadership has significant direct effect on school innovation management, the effect is also enhanced when mediated by teachers' organizational citizenship behavior in Taipei and Nanjing. Then, the suggestions given by this study are listed as below: 1. The primary school principal in Taipei should focus on teaching leadership in order to strengthen the principal leadership. 2. The primary school principal in Nanjing should focus on organization community in order to strengthen the principal leadership. 3. The primary school in Tapei and Nanjing should focus on dedication to school behavior in order to strengthen teachers' organiztional citizenship behavior. 4. The primary school in Tapei and Nanjing should focus on curriculum teaching innovation in order to strengthen the school innovation management. 5. The primary school principal in Taipei should focus on develop talent and teaching leadership, strengthen the principal leadership to enhance school innovation management. 6. Improve school innovation management, especially through increase teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, primary school principal’s leadership should be widely practiced in Tapei and Nanjing.

主题分类 竹師教育學院 > 教育與學習科技學系
工程學 > 電機工程
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