


Semiconductor Wafer Testing Probe Card Acquirement Decision Strategy in LCD IC Product




紫式決策分析 ; 決策樹 ; 探針卡 ; 取得決策 ; 多屬性決策分析 ; 晶圓測試 ; 風險輪廓圖 ; UNISON decision analysis ; Decision tree ; Probe card ; Acquirement Decision Strategy ; Multiple attribute decision analysis ; Wafer test ; Risk profile












摘要 科技發展來自於生活的需求,在大眾生活中各類電子商品,如手機、電視、平板電腦,已經不可獲缺。作為各類電子產品的重要組成,如顯示器朝向多色階、高速、快速反應與低耗能發展,產品生命週期越來越短、價格也越來越低。面對後端IC測試代工費用也逐年調降的趨勢,測試代工廠如何提昇效能與掌控毛利率以應對產業發展趨勢成為一個新興重要的議題。 本研究針對晶圓測試之探針卡主要耗材取得問題,基於紫式決策分析架構,採用影響圖與決策樹方法,建構探針卡取得之分析架構,並繪製風險輪擴圖與敏感度分析圖,從而能夠有效提供探針卡耗材取得模式選擇方案,以供決策者實務中進行決策。 為實際檢驗研究架構之效度,本研究以台灣某半導體晶圓測試廠為案例。藉由取得來源與特定客戶型號的所有報廢探針卡,依據決策層級架構分析方法,建立模型進行架構分析,作為決策者參考依據。同時依據敏感度分析圖之成功率,決策者可取得未來同型號探針卡生產平均效率之決策預估值。實證結果顯示,本研究具備效度與可行性。其分析手法與方式,亦將可提供其他探討有關物料取得之決策問題,作為參考流程與架構的依據。


Abstract Technology developments come from the real life requirements. Various types of electronic goods, such as mobile phones, televisions, tablet PCs, are indispensable in the public life recently. As an important part of electronic products, the display develops toward multi-color, high-speed, rapid response and low energy consumption trend. Product life cycle in display industry becomes shorter and shorter while sales price getting lower and lower. Facing costs decreasing year by year in trendency, how to improve the efficiency of the foundry and control gross margin to cope with industrial development trends has been a new critical issue for back-end IC test foundries. In this paper, to solve the main consumables acqusition problem of the probe card for wafer testing, a probe card acqusition decision-making framework is constructed based on the UNISON decision-making framework by using the influence graph and the decision tree method. Besides, risk profile and sensitivity analysis are used to obtain the mode of choice for probe card supplies to make decision in practical problem. To test the validity of the research structure, this study takes a Taiwan semiconductor wafer test company as a case. All the discarded probe cards are obtained from the foundry source and the specific customer model. Based on the decision hierarchy analysis method, the proposed model is established to analyze probe card acquisition decision problem and serves as a reference for decision makers. Meanwhile, refer to success rate of the sensitivity of graph analysis, decision maker can aquire the implementation of future decision with average efficiency of the probe card production decision-making estimates. The empirical results show that this study is effective and feasible. Its analytical practices and methods can also be a basis of reference flow and architecture.provide for other decision-making issues related to material acquisition.

主题分类 工學院 > 工業工程與工程管理學系碩士在職專班
工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 管理學
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