


Justifying Private Property through Argumentation Ethics




自由意志主義 ; 私有財產權 ; 論證倫理學 ; 人類行動學 ; 哈伯瑪斯 ; 阿佩爾 ; 霍普 ; Libertarianism ; Private Property Rights ; Argumentation Ethics ; Praxeology ; Jürgen Habermas ; Karl-Otto Apel ; Hans-Hermann Hoppe














As one of the foundations of civilization, the institute of private property has a long history affecting every part of human society. There has been plenty of normative theories regarding property rights all along, one of which is Hoppe’s Argumentation Ethics. Combining the Pragmatic Turn of philosophy and the spirit of modern Libertarian movements, this Ethics argumentatively and value-freely justified the validities of propositions of (1) the a priori of argumentation, (2) the right of self-ownership, (3) the principle of original appropriation, and (4) the principle of nonaggression. Comparing with Habermas and Apel, Hoppe more or less holds some unique positions on Epistemology and Methodology, and attitudes to the rules of argument itself and the natures of ethical norms. Then, as the additions of Hoppian ethics, it can be helpful to introduce thoughts about the phrase of physical integrity and the difference between early-comer and late-comer. Last but not least, the Rationale for Total Privatization may be an application of private property norms, while inspiring responses and warnings from judicial practices are showing more possibilities.

主题分类 科技管理學院 > 科技法律研究所
社會科學 > 法律學
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  85. 霍普的個人網站中Argumentation Ethics頁面:http://www.hanshoppe.com/publications/sel-topics/#arg-ethics (最後瀏覽時間:2016年6月15日)
  86. 霍普的個人網站中Criticism and Discussion by Others頁面:http://www.hanshoppe.com/publications/sel-topics/#arg-ethics (最後瀏覽時間:2016年6月15日)