
100 kVA三相四線雙向轉換器數位控制研究


Research on Digital Control for 100 kVA Bi-directional Three-Phase Four-Wire Converter




三相四線轉換器 ; 分切合整數位控制 ; 電感值變化 ; three-phase four-wire converter ; division-summation digital control ; inductance variation












本論文針對應用於雙向三相四線轉換器數位控制方法進行研究,並採用分切合整數位控制與六分之一線週期穩壓法,來實現100 kW雙向三相四線轉換器數位控制,其中轉換器功能包括併網、整流、直流鏈穩壓以及交流穩壓。當直流鏈電壓達到預定電壓後,依照電網需求將直流電轉換成交流電饋入市電(併網模式)或將交流電轉換成直流電饋入直流電網(整流模式)供給直流負載。在併網與整流模式下,轉換器視為一個電流源;而當市電不穩或發生故障解聯時,直流電轉換成交流電提供給交流側負載作緊急備用電源,轉換器視為一個電壓源。 分切合整數位控制是基於直接控制電流變化量,將一切換週期之電感電流變化量,採用先分開個別處理後加總所推導之控制法則。在三相應用上,可以克服abc轉d-q之座標軸轉換限制,並因將電感值隨電流變化納入控制法則中,能顯著降低電感鐵芯體積與提高轉換器性能。文中會提及轉換器的控制法則推導和控制器設計,並介紹控制流程圖與實現控制器過程中之實務考量,最後針對轉換器各功能控制進行模擬分析與電路實測來驗證其可行性。 本研究主要有兩項貢獻:第一為針對應用於雙向三相四線轉換器數位控制方法進行研究,並分類和介紹各方法之優缺點。第二項為將分切合整數位控制應用於高功率轉換器,並介紹實作過程中之實務考量,來克服元件之非理想特性所造成的影響。


This thesis focuses on studying digital controls of bi-directional three-phase four-wire converters. Division-summation (D-Σ) digital control and one-sixth line-cycle regulation approach (OSLCRA) for a high power bi-directional three-phase four-wire converter are adopted. The converter has four kinds of operation modes: rectification mode, grid-connection mode, dc-link voltage regulation mode and ac voltage regulation mode. In the grid-connection mode, power is transformed into ac and injected into the utility grid. In the rectification mode, power from the utility grid is transformed into dc to supply dc loads and replenish dc-link capacitors. Under the grid-connection mode and the rectification mode, the converter is considered as a current source. In ac regulation mode, the power is transformed into ac to supply ac loads, and the converter is considered as a voltage source served as an ac emergency source. The D-Σ digital control is based on a current variation direct digital control, summarizing the filter inductance-current variations over one switching cycle to derive control law, which can release the limitation of abc to dq frame transformation. Besides, it takes inductance variation into consideration, and the core size can be reduced significantly and efficiency can be improved. This thesis presents design and derivation of the controller for converter. And then, description of program flowcharts and considerations of hardware implementation are presented. Finally, the converter operation modes are verified with simulated and experimental results. There are two major contributions of this research: analyzing and comparing control approaches for bi-directional three-phase four-wire converters, and applying the D-Σ digital control to a 100 kVA and presenting considerations of hardware implementation during experimental process to overcome the problems caused by non-ideal characteristics of the components.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 電機工程學系所
工程學 > 電機工程
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