


Development of Capacitorless Inductive Power Transfer Subsystem with Bidirectional Communication Capability for Implanted Applications




生醫植入式子系統 ; 低壓差線性穩壓器 ; 負載偏移調變 ; 感應電源鏈接 ; 無輸出電容功率調節器 ; Bio-implantable subsystem ; Low-dropout (LDO) linear regulator ; Load-shift keying (LSK) ; Inductive power link ; Output-capacitorless power regulator












論文提出一個應用於植入式應用具資料傳輸能力之無電容無線能源傳輸系統。在生醫植入式裝置中無線電源傳輸是一個熱門的題目,在生物訊號監控與深腦層刺激的應用上,透過雙向訊通訊實現閉迴路控制與智慧的刺激治療是非常重要的。因此具備資料傳輸能力無線能源傳輸系統在植入式裝置中在生醫植入式裝置中是不可或缺的。一般來說線圈感應式無線電源與資料傳輸系統需要使用多個電感或天線,來實現植入端與外部裝置間的閉迴路的控制與通訊。但是對於醫生與病患來說植入多個天線或線圈是非常不容易的且會對病患造成不適感,所以要如何最小化裝置尺寸盡量減少外部元件的使用是一個非常重要。因此我們藉由整合一個單線圈具雙向資料與電源傳輸能力子系統與一個無電容感應電源傳輸子系統來縮小植入裝置尺寸,且同時達到快速的電源穩壓性能與高速雙向資料傳輸能力。 論文主要可分成兩個部分,第一個部分是具快速暫態反應之單線圈無線資料與電源供應傳輸子系統。此系統在單一線圈上同時使用了振幅調變與負載調變機制且透過分時多工的方式實現雙向的資料傳輸。我們提出的植入式晶片使用0.18微米製程可以提供最大功率15 mW。穩壓器在1.2 V操作電壓下且負載電流在100 ns內變化15 mA,其最大的overshoot電壓與undershoot電壓皆低於55 mV,且穩壓器的回復時間低於200 ns。負載調變收發機則實現了在3.3 mA的無線電源供應負載下達到2 Mbps的資料傳輸速度。第二個部分,我們提出了一個具高電源拒斥比穩壓器之無電容無線電源傳輸子系統,由於系統中使用了高電源拒斥比與快速暫態反應之穩壓器,使系統無須使用離散的電容來實現無線電源傳輸達到最小化裝置尺寸的目的,所提出之植入式晶片使用0.18微米製程可以提供最大功率11 mW。穩壓器在1.25 V操作電壓下且負載電流在50 ns內變化11 mA,其最大的overshoot電壓與undershoot電壓皆低於42mV,此外穩壓器分別在操作頻率為10 kHz與1 Mhz下達到了71.2 dB與45.6 dB高的電源拒斥比性能。 在論文中將仔細介紹具資料傳輸能力的無電容無線電源傳輸系統之電路分析與設計,其中包括單線圈無線雙向資料電源傳輸子系統與無電容無線電源傳輸子系統。


An output-capacitorless inductive power transfer subsystem with bidirectional communication capability for implanted applications is presented in this thesis. The most popular topic in the field of implanted applications is inductive power transfer. Moreover, bidirectional communication is also essential to deliver closed-loop, smart implantable treatments, especially for biological signal monitoring and deep-brain stimulation. Therefore inductive power transfer subsystems with bidirectional communication capability are necessary in implanted devices. Usually, inductive power and data communication require multiple antennas to realize the closed-loop transfers between an implanted device and an external device. However, surgeons may have difficulties implanting a device with multiple antennas, therefore the minimization of device size is crucial. The number of antennas must be minimized and all external components that can be removed must be removed. We propose to minimize device size and realize fast transient response power regulation simultaneously, by implementing a single coil power and data transmission subsystem and an output-capacitorless power transfer subsystem. This thesis includes two major parts. In the first part, we present a single coil power and data transmission subsystem with a fast transient regulator for bidirectional neuroprosthetic applications. Both amplitude shift keying (ASK) and load shift keying (LSK) have been used in this design. LSK and time division multiple access (TDMA) techniques can enable single coil power and data transmission at the same time. The proposed implantable chip, fabricated using commercial 0.18 μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, yielded a maximal output power of 15 mW. Operated with a 1.2 V power supply, the maximal overshoot and undershoot voltages were both less than 55 mV for a 15 mA full-load current that changed within an current change rising/falling edge time of 100 ns, and the recovery time of LDO regulator was less than 200 ns. The maximal transmission data rate of the proposed LSK transceiver was 2 Mbps at a load current of 3.3 mA. In the second part, we present an output-capacitorless power transfer subsystem with a high power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) regulator. The system does not require an external capacitor because it has an output-capacitorless power transfer subsystem with a high PSRR and a fast transient response regulator. The proposed implantable chip, fabricated using commercial 0.18μm CMOS technology, yielded an output power of 11 mW. The LDO regulator operated at 1.25 V, the maximum overshoot and undershoot voltages were both less than 42 mV for an 11 mA full-load current whose rising and falling time were less than 50 ns, and achieved high PSRR performance of 71.2 dB and 45.6 dB at 10 kHz and 1 MHz, respectively. We will detail circuits design and analysis of an output-capacitorless inductive power transfer subsystem with bidirectional communication capability that incorporates both the single coil power and data transmission subsystem and the output-capacitorless power transfer subsystem in this thesis.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 電機工程學系所
工程學 > 電機工程
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