The purpose of this study is to discuss the problems and the solutions that may occur when establishing the norms of mathematics conjecturing teaching as a first-year teacher, thereby, developing related social norms and mathematics conjecturing norms in different mathematics conjecturing teaching stages.
This study uses action research, with the fifth-grade class taught by the researcher as the research field, doing mathematics conjecturing teaching in seven units respectively. With analyzing data and teaching materials, recording the videos and conversations, student worksheets and dialogues with friends, the researcher reflects on self-teaching and improves.
The norms of mathematics conjecturing teaching which built in different stages in this research include social norms and mathematics conjecturing norms. Social norms consist of stage one “Willing to try. Answer confidently.”, “Speak clearly.”, “Listen to others.” and “Two students hold the worksheet with one hand each.”; stage two “Put group worksheet in the middle of the table.”, “Examine worksheet position.”, “Mark with red pens.”, “Revise with red pens.” , “Data speaks louder than star students.” and “Put the materials which are not in use on the cabinet.” Mathematics conjecturing norms consists of stage one “Sort the data.”; stage two “Conjecture boldly. Come up with ideas according to the data”, “Personal opinion should be presented and discussed”, “Speak according to the data and compare the conjectures with the data.”, “Combine personal opinions into a group opinion.”, “Conjecturing worksheets should be written down in words instead of giving examples.” and “Each classified personal conjecture of different category should bring up a group conjecture.”; stage three “Combine group opinions into a class opinion.” and “Premise shouldn’t be regarded as conjecture.”, stage four “Add premise before class conjecture.” and stage five “Explain math conjecture with reasonable math knowledge.” Establish different social norms and mathematics conjecturing norms in different mathematics conjecturing teaching stages.
The research results find out that mathematics conjecturing teaching norms support the whole mathematics conjecturing teaching. There will be different norms in different mathematics conjecturing teaching stages. Some of them are social norms, and some of them are mathematics conjecturing norms. It comes out that the proportion of mathematics conjecturing norms increases more than social norms when developing different stages of mathematics conjecturing teaching.
Finally, this research provides suggestions to the first-time mathematics conjecturing teaching instructors and establishing mathematics conjecturing norms instructors and gives directions to future research.
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