


The Relationship between Supervisor's Behavior Integrity and Team Members' Job Performance: Mediating Effect of Impression Management Strategy and Perceived Rules Ethical Climate




主管行為正直 ; 知覺規則倫理氣候 ; 印象管理技巧 ; 工作績效 ; Supervisor's Behavior Integrity ; Perceived Rules Ethical Climate ; Impression Management Strategy ; Job Performance












在過往的研究中主管一直是影響部屬的重要關鍵,而主管與部屬的言行舉止都會影響企業的聲譽與內部運作,嚴重的逾矩事件也將成為企業的致命傷,俗語常說「不以規矩,何成方圓」,規則的形成能夠有效的影響員工,因此本研究以主管行為正直、正負向印象管理技巧、知覺規則倫理氣候、工作績效,這些與道德倫理相關的變項進行研究,期望能對道德倫理相關研究有更進一步的了解,並且為企業道德倫理的加強方案,提供實際想法與建議。   本研究針對壽險業之業務人員為主要研究對象,採立意及便利抽樣方式,總共發出400份問卷進行調查,實際回收352份問卷,有效問卷為303份,有效回收率為75.75%。經由相關分析與迴歸分析後,研究結果發現:(1)主管行為正直及知覺規則倫理氣候對部屬正向印象管理技巧皆具顯著正向影響。(2)主管行為正直及知覺規則倫理氣候對部屬負向印象管理技巧皆具顯著負向影響。(3)主管行為正直對部屬知覺規則氣候具顯著正向影響。(4)主管行為正直及正向印象管理技巧對工作績效皆具顯著正向影響。(5)負向印象管理技巧對工作績效具顯著負向影響。(6)知覺規則倫理氣候對主管行為正直與部屬正、負向印象管理技巧具中介效果。(7)正、負向印象管理技巧對主管行為正直與工作績效的使用之間的關係皆具中介效果。


Supervisors often a crucial factor to subordinates, based on previous research. Behaviors of supervisors and subordinates affect reputation and operation of an enterprise, serious violation may cause fatal damage to enterprise. “Without a pair of compasses and a set square it is hard to draw a perfect circle and a square", as the saying goes, rules is an effective factor to employees. This research is based on Supervisor's Behavior Integrity, Positive and Negative Impression Management Strategy, Perceived Rules Ethical Climate and Job Performance, to look into the relation of moral ethics and to help enterprise to have practical ideas and suggestions on supervision.   This research is mainly based on insurance agent, by sampling and random methods, issuing 400 questionnaires, with return of 352 pcs and valid of 303 pcs questionnaire. The valid rate is 75.75%. The research results as follow: 1. Positive relation between Supervisor's Behavior Integrity and Perceived Rules Ethical Climate on Positive Impression Management. 2. Negative relation between Supervisor's Behavior Integrity and Perceived Rules Ethical Climate on Negative Impression Management. 3. Positive effect on Supervisor's Behavior Integrity to subordinates Perceived Rules Ethical Climate. 4. Positive effect on Supervisor's Behavior Integrity and Positive Impression Management to Job Performance. 5. Negative effect on Supervisor's Behavior Integrity and Negative Impression Management to Job Performance. 6. Intermediate effect of Perceived Rules Ethical Climate on Supervisor's Behavior Integrity and Positive/ Negative Impression Management. 7. Intermediate effect of Positive/ Negative Impression Management on Supervisor's Behavior Integrity and Job Performance.

主题分类 竹師教育學院 > 人力資源與數位學習科技研究所
社會科學 > 經濟學
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