


A Study on Teaching Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Innovation Management Effectiveness for the Public Sector Training Agencies




教導型領導 ; 組織文化 ; 創新經營效能 ; teaching leadership ; organizational culture ; innovative business performance












摘要 本研究主要目的在了解當前公部門訓練機關教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能之現況;探析不同公部門成員與背景變項中,公部門訓練機關教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能之差異情形;探討教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能之關係;探討訓練機關首長的教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能之預測情形;並檢定教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能結構方程模式之適配情形。 根據研究目的,本研究係使用問卷調查法,編製「公部門訓練機關教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能關係之調查問卷」進行調查;以國內公部門訓練機關成員為調查對象,共抽取21所公部門訓練機關之179位成員為樣本,計回收179份有效問卷,問卷回收率為100%;蒐集資料後,使用描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、多變量變異數分析(當變異數分析達顯著差異時,進行Scheffe'法事後比較)、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析法及結構方程模式等方法進行統計分析,並且編製訪談大綱,訪談5位國內公部門訓練機關首長,獲得以下結論: 一、公部門訓練機關成員知覺整體首長教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能的感受均達到中高以上程度之認同。 二、公部門訓練機關成員在首長教導型領導運用策略上,「價值與理念」層面感受最高,「願景與目標」層面則感受相對較低;在組織文化運用策略上,最能感受到成員對於「目標與成就」的關心,但對於訓練機關的「創新與任務」則感受相對較低。 三、公部門訓練機關男性成員比女性成員更能認同首長教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能的運作。 四、服務年資「11-20年」的中生代人數最多(約佔28%),同時也得分最高,而新進人員(5年〈含〉以下)成員的得分最低。 五、簡任人員對其他組別人員最具影響力;薦任主管組成員對組織文化選項中「目標與成就」層面的認同感明顯大於薦任非主管(含)以下組成員。 六、在整體「教導型領導」、「組織文化」及「創新經營效能」各選項間地方機關成員的感受度高於中央機關成員。 七、首長的教導型領導分別對組織文化及創新經營效能的運作有正向而重要的影響力,而組織文化對創新經營效能運作,亦有正向及重要的影響力。 八、首長教導型領導採用「願景與目標」的領導策略,最能有效提升組織文化與創新經營效能的績效。 九、首長教導型領導、組織文化與創新經營效能之徑路關係模式獲得支持;且教導型領導透過組織文化的運作,對於創新經營效能具有中介效果。 最後依據結論,本研究提出相關建議,俾供公部門訓練機關、首長、成員、上級主管機關,以及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:教導型領導、組織文化、創新經營效能


Abstract The main purpose of this study is to understand the current status of the teaching eadership, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness of the public service training agency; to explore the teaching leadership, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness of public service training agency in different public sector members and background variables. Differences; explore the relationship between instructional leadership, organizational culture and innovation management effectiveness; explore the guidance of the leadership of the training organization, organizational culture and innovation management effectiveness; and verify the structure of teaching leadership, organizational culture and innovation management efficiency The adaptation of the mode. According to the purpose of the research, this study used the questionnaire survey method to compile a questionnaire on the relationship between the teaching leadership of the public sector training organization and the relationship between organizational culture and innovation management effectiveness. The survey was conducted by members of the domestic public service training agency. A sample of 179 members of the public sector training organization was sampled and 179 valid questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire recovery rate was 100%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, chi-square test, multivariate analysis of variance, and structural equation model, are employed to analyze the collected data. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.The members of the public service training agency perceive the overall leader's teaching leadership, organizational culture and innovative business performance feelings to reach the upper and lower levels of recognition. 2.members of the public service training agency have the highest sense of "value and philosophy" in the leadership strategy of the leadership of the leadership, and relatively low perception of the "vision and goals" within the organization. 3.Members of the public sector training institutions have the highest level of "value and concept" in the strategy of teaching leadership of the heads, and the feelings of "vision and goals" are relatively low. In the organizational culture application strategy, members are most likely to feel the concern of "goal and achievement" is relatively low for the "innovation and mission" of the training institutions. 4.the members of the public service training agency can best feel the members' concern about "goals and achievements" in the organizational culture application strategy, but they feel relatively low about the "innovation and tasks" of the training institutions. 5.The simple staff has the most influence on the other groups; the members of the recommendation team have a greater sense of identity in the “goal and achievement” aspect of the organizational culture option than the members of the following non-supervisor (including) group. 6.The members of the local authorities are more sensitive than the members of the central government in the overall "teaching leadership", "organizational culture" and "innovative management effectiveness" options. 7.The teaching leadership of the heads has a positive and important influence on the operation of organizational culture and innovative business performance, and organizational culture has a positive and important influence on the efficiency of innovative business operations. 8.The leader-led leadership adopts the “vision and goal” leadership strategy, which can effectively improve the performance of organizational culture and innovative business performance. 9.The path of leadership leadership, organizational culture and innovation management effectiveness is supported; and the teaching leadership has a mediating effect on the efficiency of innovation through organizational culture. According to the conclusions, some suggestions are provided as references for public service training agency, headman, members, higher authorities, and future research. Keywords: teaching leadership, organizational culture, innovative business performance

主题分类 竹師教育學院 > 教育與學習科技學系
工程學 > 電機工程
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