This study takes the tax factor as the main reason for the study, and studies the new integrated income tax system for the individual shareholders who are resident of Republic of China since 2015 years. Only half of them can be deducted from the shareholders' income tax payable, whether there is an impact on the conservatism of the firm's earnings.
In this paper, the first two years of the implementation of the new integrated income tax system from the first year to the next year, that is, 2014 to 2015, Republic of China listed, OTC company for the study sample, from the Taiwan Economic journal (TEJ) financial, stock and corporate governance database get sample data, totaling 3,075 sample companies. According to the reverse regression model proposed by Basu (1997), the company's stock return rate is used to detect the sensitivity and timeliness of the market's good news and bad news to detect different industries. After the implementation of the provisions of the company's accounting policy to achieve the impact of sound degree.
The empirical results show that only half of the deductible tax can be deducted from the individual income tax, so that the shareholders of the enterprise will be deducted from the tax incentives to reduce the increase in corporate conservative. There is also an industry that develops and innovates. As a result of the tax concessions under the 「Statute for Industrial Innovation」, the level of conservatism of the industry will be lower than that of the general industry. In view of the fact that the biotechnology industry has more taxable concessions applicable to the 「Biotech and New Pharmaceutical Development Act」, the stability of its industry is lower than that of the general industry.
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