


Cyber-Physical Intelligent Monitoring System for Machining Accuracy and Performance Optimization






iKM ; CPS ; 工具機 ; 雲端 ; 虛擬平台 ; iKM ; CPS ; Machine ; cloud ; Virtual platform












本研究發展出一套可在加工前根據實驗建模與演算法同時優化精度、效率及耗能,進而產出適當CNC加工程式的虛實整合系統。該系統也與知識雲端資料庫(iKM)整合,建立雙向資訊收集模組與iKM分析引擎與生產優化模組,使可進一步優化加工程式,以避免加工異常的發生,其中整合多種線上加工監控模組(含:切削異常模組、精度指標模組、機台效能優化模組),執行不同演算法分析以建議最佳的加工參數,同時也會回傳相關設計資料至iKM雲端資料庫,介面系統以Visual C#建立並串接整合所有功能模組及加工機台,收集模擬結果、加工參數與實際切削結果,持續更新iKM的專家資料庫,為未來設計優化的基礎,最後以實際加工驗證比較有經過優化模組與無經過優化模組兩者之差異性,例如以鋁材料之實驗,加工時間從2.6分鐘縮短至1.7分鐘,同時表面精度從0.97μm提升至0.49μm,證明此系統確實可達到精度與效能同步優化之成效。


This study is to develop a system that we can build an optimization of NC programs and predict abnormal processing at pre-process by modeling and algorithm. The system is also integrated with the Intelligent Knowledge Management (IKM) to build a two-way information gathering module and IKM analysis engine and production optimization module to further optimize machining programs to avoid machining anomalies, including the integration of a variety of in-line process control modules (Abnormal Monitoring Control module, Roughness module, Energy Consumption module.). A large of data collected from each module, and each module will use these data to perform different algorithms analysis. After that, the best NC processing will be obtained from the optimization module. Finally, the actual machining verification Compare the difference between optimized module and non-optimized module to prove the reliability of the system. For example, in the experiment of aluminum materials, the processing time was shortened from 2.6 minutes to 1.7 minutes while the surface accuracy was improved from 0.97μm to 0.49μm, which proves that the system can achieve the effect of simultaneous optimization of accuracy and efficiency.

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程學系
工程學 > 機械工程
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  26. [1] Jens F., Heiner Lasi, Hans-Georg Kemper, “Simulation of production processes involving cyber-physical systems”, Procedia CIRP 62 ( 2017 ) 577 – 582
  27. [2] Jeongcheol Lee, Sungbum Jun, Tai-Woo Chang, and Jinwoo Park, “A Smartness Assessment Framework for SmartFactories Using Analytic Network Process”, Sustainability 2017, 9, 794.
  28. [3] Kyung-Joon Park, Jaemin Kim, Hyuk Lim, and Yongsoon Eun, “Robust Path Diversity for Network Quality of Servicein Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 10, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2014.
  29. [4]Sergio F,Giancarlo Fortino,Giuseppe Di Fatta,”Cyber-physical systems, internet of things and big data”, Volume 75, October 2017, Pages 82-84.
  30. [5] Shiyong Yin, Jinsong Bao, Yiming Zhang, Xiaodi Huang, “M2M Security Technology of CPS Based on Blockchains”, Symmetry 2017, 9(9), 193; doi:10.3390/sym9090193
  31. [6] Kumar, S.D., et al. Optimization of process parameters during machining of thixoformed A356-5TiB2 in-situ composite using Design of Experiments. in 2015 International Conference on Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems (RACE). 2015.
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  43. [25] Chen, Shang-Liang; Jen, Y.W. “Data fusion neural network for tool condition monitoring in CNC milling machining “, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture Volume: 40, Issue: 3, February, 2000, pp. 381-400.
  44. [26] Zhehe Yao, Deqing Mei, Zichen Chen”On-line Chatter detection and identification based on wavelet and support vector machine”,Journal of Materials Processing Tech. Volume: 210, Issue: 5, March 19, 2010, pp. 713-719.
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